Amazing New Tech Gadgets You Need for Your Business

Technology is advancing almost faster than you can keep up, and it’s making offices more efficient and convenient. There is no reason you shouldn’t take advantage of all the handy gadgets out there to make your work (and your life) easier. Whether you’re looking for tech for yourself or the whole office, the five gadgets below are gadgets you don’t want to miss.

Amazing New Tech Gadgets You Need For Your Business

Interactive Displays

No one likes meetings. It may be the most dreaded event in the office. The idea of gathering in a room with competitive peers (especially these days) while the boss talks about what is being done wrong or how much money the company wants to make just isn’t appealing.

If you’re the boss, or at least the person in charge of upgrading the office, you may want to check out an Epson Interactive Display. Imagine how much more fun the meeting will be when people can air-write their notes? Mirror your android or stream full HD 1080p content in vivid colors. No one will ever complain about how boring a meeting was again.

Wireless Desk Phone Headsets

Some businesses still have desk phones, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be wireless or make use of Bluetooth technology. The ability to go handsfree with your Plantronics headset instead of a phone is game-changing. To make it even better, it’s convertible. You can use it as an over the ear headset or you can connect it to a headband. It comes with three different ear hooks so you can choose the one that’s most comfortable for you. Not having to keep a hand on the phone will free you up to be even more productive.


If you’ve ever had the thought a touchscreen laptop would make your life easier, you’re not alone. Now you don’t have to buy a whole new laptop to get a touchscreen display. The AirBar by Neonode turns Windows 10 laptops and notebooks into interactive, touchscreen displays.

The AirBar is a plug n’ play (or plug n’ touch) device so it’s easy to incorporate into your business. However, it’s a bit limited on the laptops that it can be used on. Your laptop must have a flat, front underside so the bar can attach to it magnetically. It only fits laptop sizes 13.3″ to 15″.

The Bttn One

Imagine if there was a button that could automate almost anything in your office or business. You press a button, someone sees your request, and the request is done. It’s so simple that it’s almost hard to comprehend.

Now you can do this. The Bttn One is a digital, automated button system that allows you to automate almost any process in your office. It comes with two buttons: one to start a request and a second to either start a second request or cancel the first request.

It’s no secret that many businesses have been incorporating automation for a long time. In fact, 30% of employees feel that automation saves money and 44% of them feel like it saves time.

Solar Window Charger

Everyone has cell phones these days which means they all need to be charged at some point. In fact, there is a good chance you’re charging a mobile device right now. Think about this – all those employees at your office or business will charge their phones at some point throughout the day. Individually, it doesn’t amount to much. However, when everyone does this every day, it can significantly increase your business’s electric bill.

A solar window charger can save your business hundreds on the power bill. In a survey they’re inexpensive and it’s a lot more cost-efficient to simply put one at each window than to let people continuously charge their devices. Plus, it’s a great way to make your office cool and modern.

It’s okay to be honest. Gadgets aren’t just efficient, they’re fun to use and you want to have fun at work. They can break up the monotony of a long day at work. Plus, some of them are very affordable so you don’t even have to break your wallet to upgrade your office or workspace. Start with these five and once you’re addicted to gadgets, have fun discovering all the new ones out there.

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