10 Tools to Have for Your DIY Home Tasks

10 Tools to Have for Your DIY Home Tasks

Whether you are a DIY veteran or you’re new to the concept, there is one thing for sure.

You can’t get your DIY tasks done without having the right tools to hand. Here are 10 tools that you need to have in your home in order to successfully complete many of your DIY tasks.

1. Soldering Station

Let’s face it. Most of us don’t have room to build a full soldering station in our homes. However, there are micro soldering station that are much smaller but can do the job just as well.

If you require melting two metals together for one of your DIY projects, having this particular piece of equipment is essential. It acts as a control station for your soldering iron. Using the station, you can adjust the temperature of the iron and multiple other settings. It provides a much safer way to use your soldering iron so you can complete your DIY tasks free of injury.

2. Spirit Level

Having a straight line is vital when you’re hanging up shelving or cutting pieces of material into squares or rectangles. After all, you don’t want wonky shelving or crooked pictures! A spirit level, commonly just referred to as a level, gets its name from the mineral spirit solution in the level. There is a small tube vial in the center that helps you determine how straight your line is.

3. Utility Knife

You’re going to need a utility knife for pretty much every DIY project. They’re small enough to keep in your pocket, ready to use for opening or breaking down boxes, and making precise cuts in various materials. Stock your DIY toolbox up with one of these to ensure you don’t end up fumbling around and using a blunt kitchen knife!

4. Tape Measure

Tape measures are a small, yet essential piece of DIY equipment. Without a tape measure, you will struggle to take specific measurements, which is a key part of multiple home DIY tasks. As a result, you might end cutting the wrong sized floorboards or realizing your furniture doesn’t quite fit the way you wanted it to. To save time, effort, and money, keep a tape measure somewhere in your home at all times.

5. Portable Hand Vacuum

You may have been soaring wood or dismantling a piece of furniture, and it’s left your floor full of sawdust and dirt. For the times when pulling out the big and heavy vacuum cleaner is not practical, keeping a portable hand vacuum somewhere in your home is going to be a lifesaver. Keep the portable vacuum in your garage or somewhere that is easily accessible so you can keep your working area clean and tidy at all times.

6. Range of Screwdrivers

You’re going to need screwdrivers for most of your home DIY tasks. They are required to place down wooden floorboards, reattach doors, and direct a wide variety of home equipment and accessories. Make sure you have a range of screwdrivers with various heads, including flat head and Philips head options.

7. Pliers

Pliers come in handy when your grip is just not strong enough for the task you need to perform. They can help you ensure your screws are extra tight, hold something in place, or untangle a difficult and fiddly wire.

8. Torch

If you need to perform repairs in dark areas of your home, you’re going to need a torch to illuminate these areas. It’s almost impossible to properly complete your home DIY tasks without sufficient lighting. Additionally, if you are using potentially dangerous pieces of equipment, making sure you can see what you’re doing will reduce your risk of receiving a nasty injury.

9. Stepladder

Whether you are blessed with height or you are on the shorter side, you will likely need a stepladder at some point in many of your DIY home projects. Maybe you are painting the ceiling, fixing a light fixture, or trimming some tall bushes in your garden. A stepladder is going to be a much safer option than using a wobbly chair or a stack of unsteady boxes.

10. Pencil

This might sound like the odd one out, but having a pencil is an essential for many DIY tasks. You never know when you will need to mark the walls or floorboards to indicate the right places to drill your screws into. You may also mark areas to highlight specific areas of your home in order to cut the right sizes and shapes for your plasterboard or pieces of wood. Without marking your equipment, this would be difficult!

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