Popular Video Gaming Terms You Should Know

Video games are interactive digital entertainment that is played using a game console like PlayStation or Xbox or using a phone, computer, or tablet. There are numerous types of video games and they function vividly. Some video games have digital cards and digital board games, sports, etc and they are the results of artistic expression.

These video games have achieved mainstream popularity and they have become an integral part of the lives of many youngsters as well as adults. These technologies have both good and bad impacts on the lives of people. The positive effects are they can improve one’s creativity, strategic thinking ability, cooperation, quick learning skills, etc.

The negative aspect is that young ones and adults too can get addicted to playing video games, which is time-consuming or a waste of time. This could lead to imitating the competitive traits of those games which results in developing aggressive and violent behavior. If you are bored, check out funny videos websites.

In this article, we are going to get familiar with the popular video gaming terms as gaming has its lingo, gaming language that may sound unusual to non-gamers. There are certain video game terms that one needs to get familiar with:

25 Popular Video Gaming Terms You Should Know
  1. The Adds: The term Adds refers to additional monsters or additional enemies that occur during boss encounters. As the gamer fights with the main enemy, he also needs to fight with other things to reach the main enemy or monster.

  2. Triple-A or AAA: These refer to titles or games that are launched by big studios like Ubisoft or EA. The Triple-A are huge budget titles and it encompasses multiple marketing recreations.

  3. The Area of Effect: It refers to the spells or abilities that function only in certain areas. They are indicated by green circles when casting and a red circle appears to exhibit the damage.

  4. Aggro: The term Aggro refers to Aggravation or Aggravated. This is used by your enemy to exclusively hit you and not other players.

  5. BoA or Bind on Account: The term Bind on Account refers to the commodities that are once taken cannot be assigned to other players. But they can be transmitted to another character in the same account.

  6. AFK: The term AFK refers to Away from keyboard. It gives other players the signal that you are currently not ready to play the game.

  7. OB/CB: It refers to open beta and closed beta. They are used in games that are yet to develop. Before the game is officially released, certain tests are executed on them. In the open beta, the testing is open to the public and in closed beta, it is private or based on the private invite.

  8. Bots: Bots refer to computers and all non-human elements in a multiplayer video game. The multiplayer game can be played by yourself or with other players or friends against the bots.

  9. Bind on Equip or BoE: It implies that the item is confined to a particular character and it cannot be assigned or switched to another character.

  10. Bullet Sponge: The bullet sponge will suck the damage caused just like a sponge. It refers to the enemy that causes huge damage to exterminate.

  11. Buff: It is a method of boosting the ability of a character to enhance its basic statistics. They also provide a sort of protection against enemies.

  12. Cheesing: It means that the player is adapting some cheap tactics to finish a course of action. A player may repeat certain powerful combinations, again and again, to knock down his enemies. It can also be done in single-player games.

  13. Camping: It refers to stay in one particular place. It is commonly used in shooter video games like Call of Duty. It is also mostly used in FPS games when the players will hide in a corner to amaze other players.

  14. Crafting: It refers to making use of the substances that are collected while playing the video game to form another commodity like a weapon or any other healing medicine.

  15. CD or Cooldown: Certain items will cool down in time. You will certainly have to wait to some extent for the items to cool down before you use them again.

  16. DPS: It means damage per second, the damage caused by a weapon or spell. DPS is also used to indicate the damage caused in hunters, mages, MMOs, rogues, etc.

  17. Dungeon: It means an isolated or closed area that has bosses and monsters, they have their own identity like the Ragefire Chasm.

  18. Grinding: To accomplish the desired result, the player will have to take continual action like fighting over the monsters to reach the next level or to upgrade the weapons.

  19. Lag: It usually refers to the online lag as a result of unnecessary ping. It is the delay between the input and action that is demonstrated on the screen.

  20. Sandbox: The popular gaming term which has an open-ended title and it gives the players the freedom to do as they wish.

  21. RNG: Known as the Random Number Generator, where the components in the game are different each time the player plays.

  22. Rage Quit: It refers to a player quitting the game as a result of not performing well in the game. He might be too angry and upset and leaves the game.

  23. QTE: In Quick Time Events, the player has to press the button all of a sudden, or the player must take certain quick action to prevent any danger from taking place.

  24. The Cake is a Lie: It is a phrase that is used when things will not happen the way we hoped for.

  25. Tank: A player who is generally strong or has high stamina, who can resist the damage that resulted from a battle so that other members of the team can play easily.


In this article, we have detected some of the commonly used important gaming slang of 2021. If you are familiar with these gaming phrases, you will be able to better understand when other players are using those terms while playing online games. There are numerous such phrases used while playing online games and we have discussed a few of those popular video gaming terms.

Shabnam Sultan

Author Bio:

This article has been written by Shabnam Sultan, a passionate tech blogger at Techiezlounge.

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