10 Blogging Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Blog

The only reason a blogger may fail to get success in the long run could be the blogging mistakes committed by him. It is crucial that you do a proper analysis of the mistakes that you’re committing as a blogger so that you can avoid them. Ruining a blog is much easier than making it a successful one, and that’s why it is necessary to understand the mistakes committed as soon as possible.

In reality, it is not the lack of blogging skills, but it is the mistakes that one commits which may make a blogger leave blogging completely.

Growing a blog and monetizing it needs lot of patience and focus, and most of the successful bloggers are following this blogging rule. Initially, every blogger commits mistakes, but many of them improve with experience and by learning few things from other hard working bloggers.

It may be the perfect time for you to update your blogging skills, avoid these common mistakes, and dream of achieving your blogging goals with complete determination.

I’m sharing some of the blogging mistakes which I committed initially, and later on I worked on them, which made me get good success with my blog. Do have a look at the blogging mistakes mentioned below, as going through them may make you understand that why you couldn’t become a successful blogger till now.

10 Blogging Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Blog

1. Publishing Low Quality Content

As the numbers of bloggers have kept on increasing, writing quality content has become the most crucial thing for getting success online. Bloggers are posting high-quality blog posts having 2000 to 3000 words so that they can attract the readers, and this even makes us understand the competition in the blogging world.

If your blog posts are not written in a proper way, and they don’t provide any value to your blog readers, then definitely it will turn off the readers. You need to have a proper writing style and readers should like the way you share your ideas with them.

Many bloggers fail to get success as they just focus upon quantity and not the quality. Instead of writing many blog posts in a single day, it is better to produce one informative blog post by focusing more on the content quality.

As Google is valuing content more day by day, bloggers are developing new writing styles as well as spending more time in becoming as creative as possible.

2. No Consistency in Publishing New Content

Even the traffic of a top blog reduces if the blogger stops posting suddenly.

For getting consistent traffic, you need to maintain the consistency. Even if you decide to post one or two quality blog posts in one week, it is necessary that you follow the consistency for years. Many bloggers lose this consistency with time as the moral lowers down due to lack of earning. You can’t expect to earn immediately from your blog, as blogging is all about consistency and having the patience to see the blog traffic growing.

If you don’t believe in consistency, then you should yourself try posting consistently to understand its value.

Bloggers who couldn’t post regularly feel that this was their biggest blogging mistake, and they wish that they had avoided committing this mistake as time never returns.

3. Neglecting Basic On-Page SEO

Basic On-Page SEO is the most crucial thing to learn if you want to succeed as a blogger. Good knowledge about On-Page SEO will make you get success faster than other new bloggers. Bloggers like Neil Patel have got massive success and recognition in the blogging industry because they have expertise in SEO.

Not having proper description, meta tags, URLs, image alt text, etc., may just reduce the chances of getting good organic traffic.

It is crucial that you make sure that your blog complies all the on-page SEO factors, as that will make your blog more SEO friendly.

You can read some good posts or a complete guide upon On-Page SEO factors to improve your knowledge about SEO. Investing your time in learning SEO is necessary, as you will be able to utilize the same knowledge for all your blogs.

4. Not Valuing the Regular Readers

If you don’t reply to the emails that you get from the blog readers, and you also don’t reply to the comments at your blog, then this is definitely a very big blogging mistake.

It is necessary that you value your blog readers by acknowledging their comments and emails. Always make sure to reply to your readers as then they will keep returning to your blog regularly.

Regular readers make a blog become more successful as they keep visiting the blog regularly, and they promote your content for free without even charging you for it.

5. Lacking Content Ideas

Ask yourself. Whether you’ll keep visiting a blog that never comes up with new interesting topics?

It is necessary that you generate new content ideas, as readers may love to read on variety of topics. Every reader may have his or her own interest when visiting your blog, and that’s why you should try to post on variety of topics.

There are several SEO tools available online which may help you out in finding new content ideas. It is necessary that you post useful stuff on your blog regularly, so that you gain regular readership in the long run.

One of the ways I’m trying to get new content ideas these days is by answering questions on Quora. By going through different questions and answers, I get many new ideas and I just turn them up into quality blog posts.

6. No Engagement on Social Networking Platforms

You can’t expect people to share your content on social networking platforms if you yourself aren’t active on them.

If you’ll share the quality content which other bloggers are sharing, then only they will share your blog content, as otherwise they won’t show any interest.

Also, it is necessary that you focus upon sharing quality content, as otherwise people will get bored and may stop following you.

Henceforth, engage more with other bloggers daily to see a massive increase in the social shares that you get for your blog posts.

7. Not Understanding the Importance of Keyword Research

Initially, I didn’t understand the importance of keyword research. I just thought that writing with a good flow will bring me good traffic, but I was wrong.

Doing proper keyword research is crucial to get good traffic from the search engine.

As you’re a new blogger, you can’t expect to rank for the most competitive keywords, and hence, you should focus upon ranking for the less competitive keywords. You can use keyword research tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest and Serpstat for finding the less competitive keywords. SEMrush is my personal favourite tool for finding long-tail keywords which are easily rankable in comparison to the short keywords having huge competition. Best part is you can use SEMrush free trial and find several low competitive keywords for your coming blog posts without spending any penny.

8. Underestimating the Potential of Email Marketing

One of the problems with blogging for new bloggers is their failure to not understand the potential of email marketing.

There are many successful bloggers who get the maximum of their blog traffic from email marketing. These bloggers have focused on making an email list and they use automated tools for sending emails to their blog followers. Email marketing is crucial because it gives your blog the readers who not only read your blog posts regularly, but also share them over the social media.

If you’re not using email marketing as a tool to increase your blog’s traffic, then definitely you need to fix this problem immediately. You need to make use of the best email marketing tools for doubling or tripling your blog’s traffic by collecting the emails of the regular readers. Having a good email list is a must if you want to achieve massive growth as a blogger.

Do share your opinion about email marketing with my blog readers. It will be useful if my blog readers can know your experience with email marketing and the tool you’re using for getting the maximum success with email marketing.

9. No Collaboration with Other Bloggers

Collaborating with other bloggers of your niche is necessary as that will bring more social media shares, more testimonials and many other benefits.

Often, same niche bloggers help each other by sharing blog posts and even by promoting the tools developed by other bloggers.

Collaborating with other bloggers is necessary if you really want to get the recognition as a blogger. If you’ll get more recognition, then your blog readers will start trusting you more. Trust has become a crucial factor for bloggers who’re into affiliate marketing or who regularly come up with informative ebooks.

10. Not Giving Time to Branding

Influencers are in demand these days because they understand the importance of branding and using the right promotion techniques.

If you’re not giving time to brand your blog, and not creating enough influence over the blog readers, then definitely you’re committing a very big mistake.

It is necessary that you brand your blog as well as yourself so that your blog readers will stay attracted to your blog. As the number of blogs are increasing, readers focus on blogs which provide them maximum value as well as branding influences their mind. If you’ll be able to influence your blog readers, then they will keep returning to your blog regularly.

By avoiding the above mentioned blogging mistakes, you’ll be definitely able to get success as a blogger in the long run, as well as your blog’s traffic will keep increasing. These common blogging mistakes have already ruined the career of many good bloggers, and that’s why you should start giving more time to your blog. Bloggers issues are well known as many bloggers give up, and I don’t want you to commit the same mistake in your life.

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