12 Apps That Can Improve Students’ Lives

12 Best Apps That Can Improve Students’ Lives

Student years have always been intense and unpredictable. But given the current pace of life, learners face plenty of stress, anxiety, and depression. Some have insomnia and can hardly find time to relax. With an endless stream of deadlines, staying calm is getting harder and harder. How to restore inner peace? How to manage it all? How to take care of your health? The answer is simple – choose the right app and let the tool improve your everyday routine!

Below, we collected 12 platforms to help you control your habits and work activities. However, sometimes even the top-notch apps aren’t enough, and that’s when talented writers save the day! When you have too much homework to hand in, reach out to buyessay authors who have the best expertise ever! With them on your side, your academic performance will surely be under control.

1. Headspace

Let’s start with an app designed to increase the level of happiness. Headspace was created to help you develop useful habits that affect your mental health. Thanks to it, you can calm down quickly as well as reduce anxiety and the quality of your sleep. The basic package contains 10 mini-lessons on how to meditate in the right way. Headspace also has a collection of relaxing music.

2. Calm

In the Calm app, you’ll find everything from soothing sounds of nature and meditations from 3 to 25 minutes to lectures by psychologists and doctors about health and self-development. Those who plan to practice meditation every day can take advantage of the Daily Calm program, and for beginners, there is a free 7-day initial course.

3. BetterMe Mental Health

BetterMe offers breathing exercises, meditations for sleep and relaxation, and courses to fight anxiety and stress. As a result, you will be able to feel much better during the day, improve concentration and get to know your inner desires and worries. Thanks to this application, you can really love yourself more and, therefore, the world around you as well.

4. Rain Rain Sleep Sounds

This app is super popular among students who have trouble sleeping. Among the soothing sounds, there are the sound of rain, the rustle of wind and tree leaves, the purring of a cat, and the clock ticking. The application contains a timer that turns off the sound at a specified time, as well as a system of reminders telling you to go to bed.

5. Pzizz

The Pzizz app provides users with an extensive library of sounds and binaural beats to ensure quality sleep. Thanks to the built-in timer, you can set the playing time from 10 minutes to 10 hours. Another benefit of Pzizz is that it changes the melody according to the sleep phase.

6. Sanvello — Stress & Anxiety Help

Sanvello is a mental health app that uses clinically proven principles of cognitive behavioral therapy. It provides you with great mindfulness meditations to help you cope with depression and stress.

The application works by subscription and has a wide range of services: from self-care and coaching to therapy.

7. Trello

Do you have a lot of group projects but don’t know how to organize the work? Download Trello, and you’ll learn to prioritize tasks in a fun way. Trello’s intuitive board interface makes it easy to control your ideas and track progress quite easily.

Let’s say your college group is working on a marketing assignment. Using Trello, your team members can create lists for each step in the workflow. These might be Brainstorming, Writing, Editing, and Publishing. Cards can be assigned to team members, and you will also specify details of their tasks and all deadlines. The data will finally be organized in one space, and you will have everything you need right at hand.

8. TickTick

Confused by endless to-do lists? Well, download a handy TickTick app that supports voice typing, built-in statistics, and a Pomodoro timer. You can use the platform as a simple notepad or a multifunctional diary linked to Google Calendar.

9. Microsoft OneNote

Looking for a cool replacement for a traditional paper notebook? Well, Microsoft OneNote is a great tool if you often forget your journal at home or are tired of carrying a heavy bag. Its main tasks are the same: saving your notes, to-do lists, reminders, and creative ideas. It is also convenient to make sketches in it, as well as work with pictures, scans, and other files.

10. Forest

Are you having difficulty getting motivated? Then, Forest is what you need! Every time you start a study session, you plant a tree in this app. It will grow on your screen while you work. However, once you stop your study session, your tree will die.

Interestingly, your forest also has an impact on our real life. The more trees you grow, the more coins you earn. Using them, the team working on the application is planting real trees.

11. Focus To-Do

Focus To-Do is a great app to fight procrastination. It combines the Pomodoro technique with a cool to-do list. If you haven’t tried it yet, the Pomodoro Method is a system of 25-minute work sessions with 5-minute breaks in between. Moreover, Focus To-Do allows you to specify your tasks, assigning due dates for them.

12. Mindly (Mind Mapping)

Are you in the flow of creative ideas but don’t have time to save them? This app is suitable for those who constantly generate cool suggestions and need to visualize. After creating a project map, you can attach notes and images to it, draw diagrams and color them to your liking. Plus, the app syncs with DropBox and offers to convert everything to PDF.

To Wrap IT Up

In this article, we focused on apps that help you solve the most widespread problems that students face. They are the inability to concentrate, exhaustion, burnout, and health issues. Platforms mentioned above are also fantastic tools when it comes to developing time management habits and analyzing how you spend your time and energy. Using them, you will surely become more productive, active, and happy!

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