How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionising Public Relations

Girl laying left hand on white Artificial Intelligence Robot photo

The truth is, in this modern world, Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is no longer a figment of science fiction novel writers’ imagination. It has come beyond the cinema screens and comic books; it is a reality that is appearing in more industries all the time. AI is changing the way that business operate in a way that has never been seen before, transforming businesses you could never imagine would benefit from this advanced technology. In fact, the predictions for the next 10 years of AI development are quite mind-blowing. Methods and procedures, policies, and processes, are all expected to be transformed by the powerful tool of AI as the technology progresses and its abilities grow and expand.

One field in particular in which AI is changing the game is that of public relations. Business of all kinds can now hire the help of a tech pr agency to help them advance in their public relations strategies with the assistance and insight provided by artificial intelligence.

The Changing Game of PR

PR is a crucial aspect of all businesses, regardless of their size and scope. PR operations traditionally rely on humans carrying out the agreed-on strategies. These professionals work on press releases, networking, and other creative communication tactics to promote a business and their message. Nowadays, there are many amazing feats being accomplished in the realm of PR with the help of AI. However, there is still a long way to go before AI is the norm. Despite the evident benefits of the technology, PR teams are still slow to fully embracing AI as part of their arsenal of tools.

So, what can AI do for the field of PR? Let’s consider a few key benefits.

  1. Speech to text conversion. A lot of valuable communication is done verbally and there is a lot of audio speech used in PR to adapt and grow the business. This includes things like transcribing interviews to be released as written articles, to writing about podcasts. AI is a powerful asset in this regard as it can help PR agents to record speeches and transcribe them. This massively reduces the errors that could be generated, and the time that could be wasted, through manual transcribing. Advanced AI technology can not only transcribe the audio but can even translate it!

  2. Search and recommend contacts. One of the biggest responsibilities of a PR firm is to find contacts and search for journalists to work with. In a recent survey done in 2021, 34 percent of PR professionals stated that finding journalists was their number one challenge – it takes up time and is not always successful. However, with the powerful abilities of AI, this process is being revolutionised. With the ability to analyse date and process language, AI can search for, find, and recommend contacts that are likely to respond to a pitch from a PR team. These time-consuming, mundane tasks can be done by the technology, freeing up valuable time for PR individuals who can channel their energy into more important and productive tasks.

  3. Predictive analysis of data. If PR agents are drowning under a sea of data, AI can step in to assist. Data is a valuable part of any PR strategy but finding the relevant and helpful information in a huge amount of data that will actually lead to actionable steps is not easy. Predictive data analysis can gather contact recommendations and go on to predict details about those contacts into how successful the pitch may be. This means that PR agents can make better decision about who to pitch to and what to use to get their attention. Furthermore, the predictive ability of AI can help to identify trends in PR and how successful these trends will be. With this ability to almost see into the future, businesses can work with their PR teams (whether they are in-house or a hired contractor) to adapt their strategies in line with these future insights. They can also work towards contacts that are going to be successful and help the business keep working towards their goals.

To stay ahead of the competition, make sure to use the most advanced PR strategies by choosing a tech focused PR team to take your business to the next level!

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