Create 3D Models of Anything You Like Using Google SketchUp

Build your dream house.
Redecorate your living room.
Design a new piece of furniture.
Give 3D effect to any machine & view each of its parts in detail.
Create a swimming pool for your dream house, then export an animation and share it online.Google SketchUpNow you can easily model anything that comes to your imagination and bring it to life by using a free 3D modeling software from Google called Google SketchUp.
Simple yet powerful drawing tools in SketchUp allows you to quickly create and share 3D models online. According to your creativity you can build anything from bridges to buildings, dining tables to sofa sets and much more.

Here’s SketchUp Taj Mahal 3D model designed by

SketchUp can be said as a utility software that comes with a menu bar and few toolbar which are simple to use yet powerful providing wide range of applications. Toolbar plays a very important role in creating your models. With the help of pencil (line) tool, rectangle, circle, arc etc., tools you can easily create the shape you like within seconds. After creating the shapes you can easily fill colors using Paint Bucket tool. You can also select designs according to your application. If you are building a wall you can select a design containing bricks. To get much more designs go to Material Palette Box.

Conversion to 3D in SketchUp

To convert a drawn shape into 3D just select Push/Pull from the toolbar and re size the shape. For example if you want to build a wall, use the rectangle tool and draw a rectangular box, then select Push/Pull and lift the rectangle box as if your are building a wall and that’s it!! You can get your wall in 3D. Now you can view the built 3D wall from all directions using orbit option in toolbar. To view online 3D community designs created using the software, select ‘Get Models’ in toolbox. You can even download them if you want. Also you can access different styles such as Paper Watermarks and much more from Tools—>Styles. Google SketchUp supports Windows and Mac OS.

SketchUp 2016 is the latest version available which is more intuitive and far more powerful than previous versions.
To download Google SketchUp visit

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