Experience Your Photos in 3D with Microsoft Photosynth

What is Photosynth?

How wonderful it would be to see your bunch of photos you love using the cinematic quality of a movie, the control of a video game, and the mind-blowing detail of the real world? Now a new software has been developed that is providing these wonderful features. To edit your photos using photo editing tools like Photoshop and making slideshows is what you can all do with your photos until now. Distinctly from all those, now with the help of a new photo software by Microsoft called Photosynth you can convert your photos into 3D and thus add real world details to your photos. It provides powerful set of tools to capture and view the world in 3D. Simply, Photosynth can create an amazing new experience to your bunch of photos and its a radically new way to use your photos. You can also share your creations with your friends on Facebook, or embed them in your own blog or website.

All you need to have to run the “synther” is a PC and broadband internet connection with IE or Mozilla Firefox in which it works better. Also You’ll need to sign-up for a Photosynth account which uses Windows Live ID or Microsoft Account. For enhanced performance 1 GB of RAM and a 64 MB graphics card is required. Now we are ready to set.

How to Create 3D Photos with Photosynth?

Just go to the Photosynth website at photosynth.net and click on Create your synth.

Microsoft Photosynth. Synth and upload your photos. Create your synth.

Then add your photos and click synth. That’s it, you’re ready to view your 3D Stuff!!

UPDATE: Photosynth service and website has been shut down by Microsoft on February 6, 2017. Microsoft Photosynth has been retired on February 6, 2017 Read full announcement on Photo synth Blog

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