How to Get More Exposure For Your Blog

Writing one article per day is not enough for your Blog. What is the benefit of being consistent but also staying hidden from the World? If you want your efforts to pay off or start giving you some results then you start promoting your blog. There are number of ways discussed by people to promote your blog, I will give you some of my own tips also.
Promote Blog Through Facebook, Google, Twitter

1) Social Media Sharing

To get traffic instantly and to expand the circle of your connections, you should use Social Networks such as Facebook,Google,Twitter etc. I will prefer Google + as it is owned by Google and from now on it will play an important role in improving your Blog PR. So you better join Google+ if you are still stuck in Facebook. I will prefer Google+ as it is owned by Google and from now on it will play an important role in improving your Blog PR. So you better join Google+ if you are still stuck in Facebook.

2) Commenting on other Blogs

This is a quite helpful method to promote your Blog but it is usually ignored. You can visit other Blogs of same niche and post comment there, they also ask you for your URL (Put you Blog Address there). Now if anyone clicks on your username, it will bring himher to your Blog.

3) StumbleUpon

It is a social bookmarking site that is used by millions of people to find their interest related pages. You can go and submit your Blog links there and it will give you some views on the spot. You can get thousands of views from it daily, if you have some followers there. I discovered many Blogs by using this platform, so you should also submit your Blog there and let people find out about it.

4) Guest Posting

You can write articles for other blogs to reach more number of people. Just write an article and put your Blog’s link in the end. It is a good way to promote your Blog because it provides you with new world of traffic and get you a lot of exposure. Long and Short, Guest Posting is like taking advantage of another Blog’s Popularity so that your Blog also gets Popular in People.

5) Forum Participation

Join any popular forum that have high PR and number of members. Put your Blog’s URL in your signature and start posting comments on various threads. It will also help you to improve your Blog’s PR.

6) Helping other People

You can go to sites like Yahoo Q & A, Webanswers etc where people ask questions. You can give them solution of their problems and put your Blog’s Link there. You will also get a lot of trust from people by doing that which may later help you in Affiliate Marketing.

7) Web 2.0 Sites

There are sites that allow you to write articles on them and in result they pay you money according to the number of views your articles get. These sites usually have high Page Rank such as Hubpages, Squidoo etc, so you can also write articles there and put the related links of your Blog in the end.

Last Words for Bloggers Willing to Succeed in Blogging
Keeping your Blog up to date is not enough for its Success. Nowadays, daily hundreds of Blogs are built and thousands of them are already struggling to get successful. So if you want to chase them, you also need to promote your Blog tirelessly. Otherwise you will be wiped out altogether.

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