You already know how to capture the screen in Windows using ‘Print Screen’ key form keyboard. It only helps you to capture the full screen but it doesn’t suit especially to those situations wherein you want to capture a particular region or object on the desktop. Providing not only this but many more powerful and easy-to-use features, EasyCapture is the best windows screen capture software.With its wide range of capture features, you can capture any or all the objects on the desktop depending upon your necessity with ease. You can also define a hot key for each capture feature as shown in the figure.
>EasyCapture screen capture features include:
1) Capture full screen
2) Capture region
3) Capture object/window
4) Capture scrolling window
5) capture active window
Besides just capturing and letting you save the captured image, it also has the feature of auto file save using which you can save the captured image automatically to a predefined location with a default name. You can access this auto-save feature from ‘Capture settings’.
Moreover it has some nice collection of photo editing tools with which you can change the settings of the captured image. The captured image files can be saved in BMP, GIF, PCX, JPEG or PNG format.
EasyCapture supports Windows 2000, WinXP and Windows Vista.
It is indeed very good but there are two nags.1. It does not seem to be a way to run it by pressing the print-key button. Other Screen capture application do this.2. Another problem is that if you click on Close X button on the interface window then instead of sending EasyCapture back to the system tray, it stops the process altogether. That’s plain stupid!
The only thing I think can improve EasyCapture is being able to set the default file type to something else when saving a capture. BMP is not what I use and many of my friends do not use it either. We all like to save to a PNG file. I know it can be changed when saving a capture, but why not let the user set his own default file type.