Turn off ClearType Fonts in Windows XP

In Windows XP, Microsoft introduced ClearType software technology to deliver improved font display quality over traditional forms of font smoothing or anti-aliasing. And these ClearType fonts are basically optimized for color LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays), such as laptop screens, Pocket PC screens and high-quality flat panel displays and they don’t improve the text appearance and readability to a large extent on traditional CRT screens and also sometimes they might look even poor.

Standard and ClearType fonts

So, it’s better that you do not use ClearType fonts if you are using traditional CRTs and the text appearance does not improve after applying it.

Modify your System Settings to Turn Off ClearType fonts

1. Open Display Properties dialog box.right-click-and-choose-properties

You can access it from StartControl PanelAppearance and ThemesDisplay

Just Right-Click with your mouse on the desktop and from the shortcut menu choose Properties

2. In the Display Properties dialog box, go to Appearance tab, and then click Effects

3.In “Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts box” choose Standard using the drop down menu.In Display-Properties effects under Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts box choose clearType or Standard4. Click OK in both the Effects dialog box and Display Properties dialog box for the changes to be applied.

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