Beats by Dr.Dre Headphones from Monster

Beats by Dr.Dre are high performance headphones especially designed for music lovers around the world by Dr.Dre and Noel Lee (Head Monster) to make you experience music the way artists and producers want you to. With Beats the music can be heard with crisp clear quality with full noise reduction even at high bass and these high quality Headphones from Monster are also well known to replicate the sound of a professional recording studio. Beats by Dr.Dre headphones over-ear

According to Dr.Dre

“People aren’t hearing all the music.

Artists and producers work hard in the studio perfecting their sound. But people can’t really hear it with normal headphones. Most headphones can’t handle the bass, the detail, the dynamics. Bottom line, the music doesn’t move you.

With Beats, people are going to hear what the artists hear, and listen to the music the way they should: the way I do.”

If you are looking for the best headphone options with such features above, it is suggested to take a look at this interesting list from Headphones Lab.

Beats by Dr.Dre Headphones are available in three different models:

    1. Beats Tour

An in-ear model

    1. Beats Solo

Comes with padded ear cushions and a built-in headset for hands-free calling.

    1. HeartBeats

Fashion-forward ear buds stamped with a seal of approval from pop star Lady Gaga.

Buy Beats by Dr.Dre Headphones on Amazon or go to

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