Why Firefox 3.6 is Code-named Namoroka

Namoroka, situated in the northwest section of Madagascar is full of caves, canyons and natural swimming pools and is the home to eight species of lemur. You can find these thin and raged, exhausted and wary beings moving slowly under the trees all over Namoroka National Park.

Lemurs of Madagascar

Mozilla has always been fond of things tailed and furry, so it has code-named its newest browser version – Firefox 3.6 after Madagascar’s Namoroka Park which is the natural home of the world’s cutest lemurs. Not just that, Mozilla is also teaming up with the Madgascar Fauna Group (MFG) to help support lemur ecology, adaptation, and conservation.

Mozilla says:

Our goal for supporting the lemurs of Madagascar is $10,000. This money will be used to help the MFG achieve its mission of saving Malagasy lemurs and lemur habitats by connecting them to the powerful tools of community and collaboration that exist on the web.

Why this is the right time for you to Donate and support lemurs of Madagascar

The wonderful country of Madagascar has a tropical climate and with the start of dry season it becomes a terrible time for lemurs as the food and water become scarce and they have to survive only on fallen tamarinds. This season is also right time to birth and when new babies are born between September and January, they are too young for solid food intake and need only mother’s milk. But if the mother is starving it becomes very difficult for her to provide milk for the newborn that she has to carry on her back or that clings to her belly.

In these difficult times a lemur mother has only one goal – “To live so her baby may survive”

So, this is the right time for you to donate and help lemur babies from starving to death.

Make a Donation to Mozilla Foundation and support cute lemurs of Madagascar

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