Directory of Blogs DigNow Has Moved to Hihera [dot] com

As part of their restructuring process to improve services to the blogosphere, DigNow dot net has moved to the new domain named Hihera.
So, If you are a member of DigNow, and has inserted DigNow “button” on your blog, you will have to change the code of your button for the new domain.

Get the new Hihera button code from your account home at Hihera. Just login with your DigNow credentials and get the Hihera button code to replace what is on your site.

Alternative you can also make changes to your html button code manually. The code needs changes at 3 places where comes in place of as shown in the code below)

<a href=''><img alt='' border='0' src=''/></a>

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