How-to Lock the Homepage in Mozilla Firefox

With this wonderful firefox tweak you can lock not only the Homepage but all your preferred settings and options from being changed in Firefox. To perform this action you have to be the administrator of the system or your account should have administrator privileges.

This is how it can be done:

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox and from the Menu bar options Goto Tools–>Options and set the homepage to your desired link and press OK button.
  2. Close Firefox window and Goto Start–>Run… and type in the following and press OK


  3. In the profiles window, you get to see a folder named (somenumbercode).default
    open it and find a file named prefs (its a JScript Script file) and change its attributes to Read-only.
  4. Restart Firefox for the changes to take effect.

That’s it!!! Now all your Firefox preferences including Homepage is locked and cannot be changed until you remove that Read-only attribute of Prefs.js

Note: To make every new tab to open with your homepage just install “New tab homepage” add-on.
Hope this Firefox trick helps. Try it yourself and post in your feedback.

4 thoughts on “How-to Lock the Homepage in Mozilla Firefox”

  1. Cliff Carlson

    I have tried several things but this is the only thing that has worked. Thank you. I have one program that has changed my home page every time it is run and I was about to remove it from my Computer until this fix. Now I run it and it tells me that it tried to change my home page but it didn’t work. lol

  2. This works perfectly. After trawling through the various forums on this problem this simple solution was the only one that worked. Thanks

  3. This fix makes sense. I don’t have any experience with it yet but I have no reason to doubt it’s ability to work. Thank goodness.

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