Most Commonly Used Internet Acronyms in Instant Messaging and Chat

Internet acronyms or chat acronyms are nothing but abbreviations formed by using the initial letters of several words and they are used in order to conserve time and space as well as to express humor and convey emotions online. These days, as internet has become a necessity for everyone, the internet acronyms have also become the part and parcel of communication in the online environment, especially in instant messaging, text messages and Facebook chat.

cartoon internet acronymsphoto by artsaccess_sa

Internet Acronyms or Chat Acronyms or Shorthand Texting

Here is the comprehensive list of most commonly used internet acronyms in the online environment. Do check the list once so that you need not ask what it means when someone says AFAIC, BBS or FYI

  • 2G2B4G – Too Good  To  Be Forgotten
  • 2G2BT – Too Good To Be True
  • 2MOR – Tomorrow
  • AAR – At Any Rate
  • ADDY – Address
  • AFAIC – As Far As I’m Concerned
  • AFAIK – As Far As I Know
  • AFK – Away From Keyboard
  • AFP – Away From Phone
  • ASAP – As Soon As Possible
  • BBL – Be Back Later
  • BBN – Bye Bye Now
  • BBS – Be Back Soon
  • BF – Boyfriend
  • BION – Believe It Or Not
  • BRB – Be Right Back
  • BTW – By The Way
  • BWL – Bursting With Laughter
  • CID – Crying In Disgrace
  • CSL – Can’t Stop Laughing
  • CTN – Can’t Talk Now
  • CYA – See You Later (See ya) or Cover Your Assets
  • CYAL8R – See You Later (Seeyalata)
  • CYE – Check Your Email
  • DBAU – Doing Business As Usual
  • DIY – Do It Yourself
  • DKDC – Don’t Know Don’t Care
  • DTRT – Do The Right Thing
  • DUR? – Do You Remember?
  • DXNRY – Dictionary
  • EMSG – Email Message
  • EOD – End Of Day
  • EOL – End of Lecture
  • ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival
  • FB – Facebook
  • FBOW – For Better Or Worse
  • FC – Fingers Crossed
  • FTBOMH – From The Bottom Of My Heart
  • FTL – For The Loss
  • FTW – For The Win
  • FWB – Friends With Benefits
  • FYI – For Your Information
  • GAL – Get A Life
  • GAS? – Got A Second?
  • GB – Good Bye
  • GBTW – Get Back To Work
  • GBU – God Bless You
  • GF – Girlfriend
  • GFN – Gone For Now
  • G4C – Going For Coffee
  • GMTA – Great Minds Think Alike
  • GTSY – Glad To See You
  • HB – Hurry Back
  • HOAS – Hold On A Second
  • HW – Homework
  • H&K – Hug and Kiss
  • HAGN – Have A Good Night
  • HHIS – Hanging Head In Shame
  • HYT – Hold Your Tongue
  • IAC – In Any Case
  • IAE – In Any Event
  • IC – I See
  • ICAM – I Couldn’t Agree More
  • IDC – I Don’t Care
  • IKR? – I Know, Right
  • ILU – I Love You
  • IMNSHO – In My Not So Humble Opinion
  • IMO – In My Opinion
  • IMHO – In My Humble Opinion
  • IOW – In Other Words
  • IYSS – If You Say So
  • JIC – Just In Case
  • JK – Just Kidding
  • JMO – Just My Opinion
  • JW – Just Wondering
  • KIT – Keep In Touch
  • KEYA – Key You Later
  • KNIM? – Know What I Mean?
  • L2G – Love To Go
  • LHM – Lord Help Me
  • LI – LinkedIn
  • L8R – Later
  • LHM – Lord Help Me
  • LMAO – Laughing My Arse Off
  • LNT – Lost In Translation
  • LOL – Laughing Out Loud
  • LTNS – Long Time No See
  • MOO – My Own Opinion
  • MS – MicroSoft
  • MTF – More To Follow
  • N2M – Nothing Too Much
  • NFS – Not For Sale
  • NOYB – None Of Your Business
  • NRN – No Reply Necessary
  • NVM – Never Mind
  • OIC – Oh, I See
  • OMG – Oh My God
  • OTOH – On The Other Hand
  • PCM – Please Call Me
  • PM – Private Message
  • POY – Point Of View
  • PXT – Please Explain That
  • QFE – Question For Everyone
  • QQ – Quick Question
  • ROFL – Rolling On Floor Laughing
  • ROFLOL – Rolling On Floor Laughing Out Loud
  • RBAY – Right Back At You
  • RLY – Really
  • RME – Rolling My Eyes
  • RYS? – Are You Single?
  • SIMYC – Sorry I Missed Your Call
  • SMH – Shaking My Head
  • SO – Significant Other
  • SOT – Short Of Time
  • STFU – Shut The F**k Up
  • SWL – Screaming With Laughter
  • SYS – See You Soon
  • TA – Thanks Again
  • TFS – Thanks  For Sharing
  • TGIF – Thank God It’s Friday
  • TCOY – Take Care Of Yourself
  • TMI – Too Much Information
  • TNT – Till Next Time
  • TOY – Thinking Of You
  • TTFN – Ta Ta For Now
  • TTYL – Talk To You Later
  • TY – Thank You
  • TYS – Told You So
  • WAD – Without A Doubt
  • W/E – Whatever
  • WPF – When Pigs Fly
  • WRK – Work
  • WTF? – What The F**k?
  • WYD – What You Doing?
  • WYHAM – When You Have A Minute
  • XLNT – Excellent
  • XME – Excuse Me
  • XOXO – Hugs and Kisses
  • Y? – Why?
  • YBS – You’ll Be Sorry
  • YNK – You Never Know
  • YT? – You There?
  • YTTL – You Take Too Long

Is any acronym or abbreviation that you commonly use a lot in chat conversations and text messages missing here in this list of popular internet acronyms? If so, then do consider posting it in the comment section below.

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