Top Social Media Networks and Internet Users Infographic

Now-a-days Social networking is more popular than everything online. With the rise of new trends it is continuously growing in every second and become less and less surprising over the last few years. Online social networks have become the new way in which people connect socially and made it possible to connect people who want to share their interests and activities in different field.

Most of the internet users are addicted with social networking. So we have both official and personal accounts in social media sites like on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Google+. So we are using our social media accounts to get and share opinions and information about the support services, promote discussion, build relationships and for many more services.

While the fastest following age group by total users is still 25-34, but the number of people joining in social media networks is in all age group as the age makes a difference to our taste and interests. The number of social media users around the globe has raised and social media sites reached over 1.73 billion total users in recent time.
Here is an infographic explaining about the facts and figures on some of the top social media networks and internet users.

Which Demographics Use Social Media?
Social Media Sites Used by Gender and Age, Social Media Networks More Appealing to Specifi Demographics, Interesting Facts About Social Media.

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