Importance of Mobile Application for Ecommerce Business

The last few years have seen a great shift from desktop to mobile. In 2014, the number of smartphone users in the world was 1.5 billion and the number is expected to be around 2.5 billion in 2019. These stats clearly tell that there is going to be a greater need of mobile application for eCommerce business.

Just over 36% of the world’s population is forecasted to use smartphone by 2018. In 2011, it was just 10%. People are becoming more and more dependent on smartphones for smaller things as well. From booking flight tickets to cab, everything can be done through smart phones. Therefore, most of the businesses are now focusing on mobile app development.
Mobile Application for E-commerce Business
The lives of people now-a-days have become hectic and therefore they choose to take the help of their smartphones to make the life simpler for them. When it comes to shopping, people are inclining more towards online shopping. When a person comes to home from office, he is too tired to go for shopping. In this case, he would like to surf on his smartphone to get the desired thing. Even if one doesn’t have to buy anything, they keep scrolling on their smartphones. They often use it as their time pass. But, during this play time, they can find something from which they cannot move their eyes off. Therefore, it becomes very important for eCommerce businesses to go for mobile application development.

Further in this article, we are going to discuss more about the importance of mobile application for ecommerce business and benefits of e-commerce mobile apps. Benefits of Ecommerce Mobile Apps - Easy Shopping, Push Notifications, Brings New Customers, Brand Loyalty, Available 24x7

1.) Available 24*7 for the Customers
This is the biggest advantage of mobile app for eCommerce business. If you have just a desktop website then you are available to the customer all the time but for the purpose, they need to switch on their desktop and then surf. It takes time to switch on a desktop and during that period, they might even change their mind. But, when you have mobile application for your business, your brand is available in the hands of the customers, whenever they require.

2.) Brand Loyalty
Customers using different mobile applications tend to grow more and more loyalty towards the brand. Adobe reports that 42% of smartphone shoppers state that they build a stronger bond with the business when they shop through mobile applications. When the brand is always in their hand, they would shop again and again from the same brand. They will spend more on the app and some special offers can also lure them and make them stay close to the brand. This way, the customer and brand connections tend to improve with time and they develop brand loyalty. And therefore, you must consider going for mobile app development.

3.) Brings New Customers
This is another big advantage of mobile app for eCommerce development. Mobile application development also brings you more customers. If a person has downloaded your application, he would definitely visit it once. He might also become your new and then regular customer. Also, when a person recommends his friend any store for shopping, he can just recommend, but cannot drag them to the store. But, a person can definitely have their friend download the app then and there. This way, if your app is liked by a single person, more and more people are going to get connected with the app.

4.) Push Notification
This feature is the biggest benefit of mobile application development. Push notification is of great importance. They help people stay aware of any kind of sale or discount on any product. They also work as reminder for people. Mobile applications also keep them alert about the arrival of any new product. This helps them in staying updated about any new product in the market. Suppose, if a person is travelling, is on a business tour or is busy with some really important work, in that case also they can know about the popular trends. This way they are provided with the better user experience and build stronger relationship with your brand.

5.) The Shopping is Easy
It might be counted among the biggest benefits of shopping through mobile applications. Shopping becomes easy for a customer. They can filter their choices. They have the color options and can also see each and every product under their price range. They can also do it through desktop website, but they can shop through mobile application even when they are travelling or hanging around. This way, shopping through mobile applications is much easier than shopping through desktop websites. When, you go for mobile app development, it means that you are not just helping yourself; you are helping your customers as well.

Summary of the article:
The increased use of smartphones has made people to surf more on the phone than on the desktop. Mobile application is emerging as the key to success for most of the businesses. Through mobile application, your brand becomes more accessible and visible to your customers. It helps them look for an article whenever and wherever they require. A person wouldn’t like to rush to their desktop if they can find the same thing in their pocket. There are a number of other advantages of having a mobile application for your eCommerce business.

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