7 Signs You Are Burning Out

College students have hectic schedules and experience constant stress trying to juggle study, a part-time job, social life, internships, volunteering, and more. They often feel overwhelmed by the amount of coursework, especially if they can’t find enough time to complete their numerous papers and meet tough deadlines. If you have to work after classes and after that spend all the time in the library doing research, you may get so exhausted that simply can’t resist the temptation to buy essays online and have at least enough time for sleep.

When you work hard for your degree, don’t get enough rest, and fail to take care of yourself, you may experience a burnout which is typically defined as psychological and physical symptoms of exhaustion that lead to serious issues like anxiety, cynicism, mild depression, suicidal thoughts or worse.

Signs You Are Burning Out at Work

When we live under constant pressure, we may not notice the first signs of burnout. We typically think that we are just “a bit tired” or “a bit stressed” and that these symptoms will soon pass. Burnout is not just being very tired but a serious medical condition which may have serious consequences. And the symptoms will accumulate over the time. There is a distinct line between being tired and burning out, but the problem is that if you cross the line, it is extremely difficult to get back. So you should take measures before it is too late.

Here is a list of the key signs of burning out which was made by Psychology experts of a reliable Writepro.net where students can find professional help with their homework and relieve stress and anxiety.


In the early stages, you may just feel tired all the time. You may wake up without energy after having a good night sleep and have to drink a lot of caffeine to get through the day. Later, you may feel emotionally and physically exhausted and drained.

Negative Emotions

You typically feel less happy and satisfied with your personal life and career. You may become easily irritated and often experience angry outbursts or serious arguments in the workplace and at home. This may cause interpersonal problems at college, at work, and at home. You may feel more pessimistic about everything that is happening than you used to be. You often focus on the downside of the situation and feel cynical. You can’t find a sense of accomplishment in what you are doing, and everything seems meaningless to you.

Lack of Motivation

You struggle to find motivation for your work or study and, in general, you don’t feel enthusiastic about doing anything anymore. You have to force yourself to start working every day. You may even complete your tasks well, but your motivation is gone. You just do it because of your fear to miss deadlines.

Cognitive Difficulties

When you experience serious chronic stress, it has a negative effect on the prefrontal cortex. This part of the human brain is responsible for executive function. Problems with executive function have a bad impact on your decision making, memory, focus, and emotional control. You might find that you frequently make silly mistakes, make poor decisions, have difficulties when remembering things or become more forgetful.

Health Problems

Constant stress has a negative impact on your mental and physical health. You may experience back pain, headaches, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness, digestive issues, and obesity. Due to the weakness of your immune system, you become more vulnerable to different infections and colds.

Poor Self-Care

When suffering from burnout, you lose self-control and succumb to temptations more easily. You may use unhealthy strategies to cope with your stress and tiredness like smoking and drinking too much, eating a lot of junk food, and being too sedentary. If you have sleep disorders, you may rely too much on sleeping pills to get some sleep. Feeling exhausted, you might start drinking more alcohol at the end of the day to relieve stress.

Lack of Productivity

Chronic stress and Lack of Productivity. Signs You Are Getting Burnt Out at Work

Chronic stress may prevent you from being productive, and you may have a lot of incomplete projects. You might notice that your to-do list is growing. Typically, people who burn out are perfectionists and are often high achievers. Your classmates and colleagues may even not notice that your performance has begun to slip. So you should compare how you are performing in work and studies with your performance in previous years. Burnouts typically happen during extended periods of time so making such a comparison can help you understand if you are experiencing a serious burnout.

You are lucky if you are not experiencing any of these problems. But if you recognize some of these symptoms in yourself, you should think seriously and try to find ways to reduce stress in your life before it is too late.

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