How to Use YouTube for Your Business

How to Use YouTube for Your Business A video is a powerful tool for growing your business irrespective of its size. There are various paid and free video channels, but the most outstanding is YouTube. It is easy to use and has a huge mass market behind it. It is a great channel that small businesses can use to get followership and a ready market for their products and services.

However, for you to get the most out of your channel, you need tips you can leverage as you explore YouTube for business.

Create a Branded Channel

Small businesses often overlook this step. A well-branded YouTube channel can house all your videos and make them visible to your audience. You can select specific videos as favourites and some you can organize them into a playlist.

With a custom channel, you get the opportunity to showcase your brand with information, specific colours, and links back to your website. You could also leverage YouTube to promote your social media pages. At a click of a button, viewers can subscribe to your content.

Craft Relevant Content

Your video content must solve a particular need among your audience. Depending on the products and services you sell, you can create video content that revolves around some of the benefits of your products. For instance, you can post recordings of industry experts sharing some useful tips related to the functions of your products.

In doing this, you are creating valuable content that your audience can use. In return, your company will generate loyalty and trust and your YouTube subscriptions will increase.

Make Your Videos Simple, Quick, and Engaging

With a quality video camera, you can make a professional video at a fraction of the cost. Videos tell stories and how well you weave this into the videos you create could mean the difference between engaging and ordinary videos.

Pay keen attention to every aspect of your videos including the sound quality, the lighting, and the shakiness of the camera. Having a plan or a script when making your video will help you come up with an organized video narration that amplifies your brand. The attention span of your audience is not that long. This means a video that is 2 to 4 minutes long is great for your business marketing.

Ensure You Optimize Your Video

Did you know that 99% of the views on your site can come from only 30% of your videos? YouTube is a mass market for videos and you can watch hours on end because videos are being uploaded every minute. Therefore, for your video to stand out and be easily found, you have to go beyond the ordinary uploading of videos.

Just like blog articles, videos ought to be optimized so that they appear on the first page of search engine results. Since Google owns YouTube, ranking on this video platform is given much preference than videos from other platforms. To make your video rank high, you should focus on three important areas.

    • 🔵 Title – Your video title must have targeted keywords. After your initial keywords, use a colon and then rephrase your title to give it maximum effect.
    • 🔵 Description – When starting your description, indicate your full URL and be as detailed as possible.
    • 🔵 Tags – Include all related keywords within your tags field. They help you get found.

Share Your Videos Across

YouTube channel allows you to share your videos to other different platforms. For instance, you can share your videos in tweets, blogs, and Facebook pages. When doing this, remember to include your keywords and tags. It helps you enhance the interaction between your video and your audience. When doing a Facebook landing page, use a video to welcome people to your product, service, or brand.

Call to Action

Think about the many times you have signed up for stuff in your life. If you look back, what attracted you to sign up is the call to action. It helps guide your visitors through the buying journey and persuades them to take action. Your call to action should be simple and effective and may include discount coupons, instructional guides, or a contest offer.

Write your call to action using words that provoke enthusiasm and emotion. In this way, you will give your audience a reason to take a specific desired action. Remember to always use a strong command verb when starting your call to action.

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