How to Uplevel Your Instagram Promotion?

How to Uplevel Your Instagram Promotion?

“A picture is worth a thousand words” – this is the most essential advantage of Instagram, which attracts a lot of users. And this is the most crucial weapon of insidious SMM players. It is from them that we ask how to promote your account correctly, given the specifics of Instagram. How to use hashtags and Instagram like bot, how to take photos and mark geolocation in the right way? Read till the end to get to know!

Why Instagram?

Instagram is a place of creativity: chaotic, organized, talented, tasteless, whatever one may speak of it. That’s the social platform, where everyone can feel like a photographer, try to show the world the way he or she sees that at a particular moment. Haven’t you thought that you need an account in the world of frozen moments? Hmm. And how about that:

  • there are no hard-and-fast rules here (except perhaps the obligatory photo-content, which is logical). And is it possible to limit the creative person within each of us?
  • here you can fully demonstrate your skills of a proficient photographer or a talented designer, show that you have a unique aesthetic taste (if you have one);
  • the advantages are more serious – this is 100% compliance with today’s demands: minimum of efforts – maximum results; no need to invent anything, take a picture, write a caption – and that’s all, the content is ready;
  • the presence of lots of tools that, when properly applied, turn any photo into effective content for any SMM tasks (various filters, effects, programs for free editing);
  • the only minus, in this case, is the absence of targeting (as, for example, on Facebook), respectively, it is challenging to track your audience (by gender, location). But for that, you can use IG automation tools which enable proper targeting and automation of all your actions on IG.

Content Rules

  • Another essence of the photos. It is necessary to understand that pictures on Instagram are not the same photo-content that you used to work with on Facebook. It is not needed to post photos with a funny inscription or your happy face on the background of a billboard with delights of political advertising in an abandoned area. Perhaps this particular photo will fall into one Feed along with a luxurious landscape or a photo report from the gallery exhibition. Think about it.
  • Think over the composition. Spontaneous photos, of course, increase the effect of presence. However, a cropped face of a person, unless, of course, it is not intended initially, create the impression of negligence. If possible, think over the composition of the photo in advance, find appropriate recommendations about the correct layout and improve the quality of your images.
  • Take pictures more often. But do not overload Feeds of all followers with your photos. If there are 10 almost identical photos, choose one or two best (thank god there are Stories and carousel). Regularity and quality stand high here.
  • Decide on your goals. Of course, it’s not easy to stick to the same style all the time or post pictures that correspond to one particular subject. But at least you need to decide why you need an account on Instagram and choose the appropriate direction.

How to attract followers and what to do with them?

  • Add a link of your Instagram account to your social network profiles. Let Instagram be an additional SMM tool of illustrative nature (it will help to visually display the results of your activity: speeches at various forums and conferences, to demonstrate the received certificates). To self-promote no holds barred.
  • Follow all friends from other social networks. It’s one of the standard, but effective steps. Thus, you will be able to attract the already formed target audience to another social platform.
  • Use Instagram like bot to leave likes for your target audience automatically. Such mass-liking concept is one of the most efficient means of attracting an audience to your profile. You like posts of your TA, they like and follow you back.
  • Use hashtags and geo-location. The lack of proper hashtags automatically minimizes the number of your potential followers. Thanks to hashtags, your photo has the opportunity to become available to a global search. There are particular hashtags that provide a stable number of likes and followers (#followme and #instagood). For various themes of photos, there are multiple categories of the most frequently used hashtags. For your convenience use hashtag generator to create the most relevant tags. Geo-tags allow you to mark the place where your photo was taken. It also increases your chances to become more visible for other users.
  • Hold contests. It  is a sure method for attracting new followers (tested on various social networks.) Likewise, you can entertain and amuse the audience. Instagram allows you to create an even more creative atmosphere and make the process of participation enjoyable. All that is required is to specify certain conditions. For instance, you can offer a little prize for those who will follow you, leave 5 likes under your posts and share the profile link with friends.
  • Communicate in Direct and via Comments. Communication is critical if you want your audience to become more loyal and to stay with you longer. Obviously, you can’t afford contact with all of your followers. No, stop, you can! Use IG automation tools which allow sending DMs and Comments to your TA automatically. This way you will increase the engagement rate of your audience. That in its turn is the path to success on Instagram as you know that Instagram algorithms rate those accounts higher and promote them more willingly.

Whatever your aim on Instagram is, use these small tips to uplevel your promotion. They are easy to follow but extremely productive. I’ve performed my obligation to inform you, now it’s your turn to carry the ball. Good luck!

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