Top 4 Cloud Computing Languages You Should Learn Now

Cloud Computing Cloud Device Data

Right now many companies are still using conventional computing methods, but their future looks dim. The future is here with us; Cloud computing. In 2018, 26% of EU enterprises use cloud computing for hosting and electronic filing systems. Only 51% of those companies used the services for automated business operations.

They expect the trend to grow fast, and the demand for cloud computing experts is high. If you check job demand stats from, you will find cloud computing skills are in the top ten list of the most demanded skills.

Now is the best time to learn cloud computing skills. Go for an AWS online training in case you want to get a boost in your career and salary. With variations in programming languages, knowing the right programming languages to learn is the best way to start, and you can only do this by taking an online course. Below are the top four programming languages anyone interested in cloud computing must learn.

Python Technical Language

Most developers view python as the most straightforward language to learn and use. Great online learning resources also back it. Today it has become one of the most preferred programming languages. Because of its viability in running big-data applications, it is now the go-to language in developing cloud computing applications.

Python users rate the language highly because of its capability for building both simple and complex programs and software. The compatibility of the language with other applications and its ability to customize other databases is an additional reason to learn it.

The latest technologies in machine learning like: robotics, artificial intelligence, data scraping, AR and VR are also built using python.

Erlang Functional Languages

Just like Python, Erlang is also a functional programming language meaning it is logical and provides fast solutions to complex mathematical problems, is excellent for writing clean code, and supports nested functions. Its standard distribution system tools make storage of any Erlang data possible.

The Virtual machines and libraries make it possible to adjust data resulting in fewer errors and enhanced efficiency. Erlang supports multiple functionalities at one ago, but it also depends on your computers processing capabilities. An added factor of Erlang, which makes it even more vital for cloud computing is its ability to support multiple computations at ago.

R-Math Languages

The strength of the R-language lies in its extensive support for statistical and graphics computations functions. It is a GNU project and therefore runs on a free software/platform. The language is also freely available.

Addition of newer functionalities and applications is possible with the R-Math language.

The programming language is common with scientists and statisticians because of its capability to quickly analyze data. With the SAS software being expensive, statisticians prefer data analysis and compilation of data in a computing environment. Statistical analysis is cheaper with cloud computing.

Use of R on the cloud is also faster and offers better bandwidth with speed compared to the old method of R in desktops.

SQL (Structured Query Language)

In 2007, Google built spanner, its first cloud SQL database, to overcome data sharing. The new cloud platform is easy to update and scalable.

The advantage of using cloud databases is they reduce data management costs vastly and end-users can access the data easily.

Cloud computing is more about data, and any data-driven programming language should be the first language to learn. SQL is the most used and popular database language. SQL as a language is still very marketable and is easy to learn if you have excellent English knowledge.

More companies will adopt cloud computing experts due to the immense benefits it offers to businesses. It is an excellent opportunity for those looking for a quick career boost. Sign up for some online course and if limited on time, hire class help online.

Cloud computing provides flexibility because companies can efficiently adjust operations incurring no costs. Cloud computing is vital for secure backup thus a safer option than conventional data backing up methods.

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