4 Home Security Tips and Guidelines You Never Thought Of

Home Security

Over 4 million home burglaries occur in the United States each year. The main goal you should have as a homeowner is finding new and unique ways to secure your residence. Without the right mindset and equipment, it is only a matter of time before a home is burglarized.

While most homeowners are familiar with the benefits of things like security alarms and camera systems, they are unfamiliar with other methods of increasing the security of their residence. Thinking outside of the box is crucial when trying to stay one step ahead of a burglar. The following are some little-known home security tips you need to use if you want to keep your home safe.

1. Adding Window Alarm Contacts is a Good Idea

Taking the time to inspect every square inch of your home is important when trying to figure out what home security upgrades need to be made. One of the most common entry points used by burglars are the windows in a home. Even if your windows are functional and have great locks on them, they can still be used by criminals. If you want to avoid having your windows breached, then you may want to think about installing window alarm contacts.

These contacts are designed to sound an alarm when a window is opened or broken. Most of these window contact alarms can be tied into a home security system. If you want to find out more about these contact alarms and how to use them correctly, you can read this article from Alarm Grid.

2. Be Sure to Put Away Ladders and Tools

Millions of homeowners take on construction projects each year. Taking on a home improvement project is a great way to increase the appeal and value a residence has. If you are performing this work on your own, chances are you have a number of tools lying around the outside of your home. Picking up these tools and putting them away is important if you want to avoid having your residence burglarized.

Leaving ladders and hammers out in the open can assist a burglar in gaining entrance to your home. A burglar could very easily use the ladder and hammer to break out a window and get into your residence. Instead of making it easy for a criminal to steal your things, you need to pick up your tools and store them in a locked shed or storage building.

3. Consider the Height of Bushes and Shrubs

As you perform an inspection of your home’s exterior, be sure to take note of how high your bushes and shrubs are. While these landscaping elements can add appeal to your home, they can also be used as cover by a crafty burglar. The higher your bushes and shrubs are, the easier it will be for a criminal to hide behind them.

If you want to avoid this problem, you need to trim these parts of your home’s exterior on a regular basis. If you don’t have the time or tools needed to get this work done, hiring a landscaping professional is a good idea. You also need to think about installing landscaping lights around these parts of your residence. By illuminating your home with these landscaping lights, you can make it hard for a burglar to break-in undetected. The money you invest in these lights will be worth it considering the security they will add.

4. Replace Your Striker Plate Screws

House Keys, Key The Door

The front door is also a commonly used entry point for burglars. The stock screws that come with your door’s striker plate are relatively short. These short screws can be sheered off, which makes it easy for a burglar to get into the house. Replacing these short screws with long and more durable ones is a great idea. In most cases, you can find the replacement screws you need at your local hardware store. It should only take a few minutes to make these alterations to your front door striker plate.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Instead of waiting until your home is burglarized to make these changes, you need to take action now. With the help of a security professional, finding and fixing problems will be much easier.

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