6 Ways to Improve Home and Shop Security

Whether it is your home or your shop, both need the same kind of attention when it comes to security. Considering how innovative thieves and burglars have become over the years, you cannot leave the security of your shop to old-fashioned security systems.

Even though you might be using the top-quality lock for your front door, but what about the windows and other entries? A rock and hammer are good enough to break the window, and a battery-powered angle grinder is enough to cut the iron rods.

Therefore, you need to implement different methods to provide your shop and home with the best security in all aspects. This article mentions different ways you can use to improve your home and shop security.

Get a Good-Quality Lock

Pin tumbler lock with key, commonly used for mortise locks in the US.
Pin tumbler lock, commonly used for mortise locks in the US | Wikipedia

When we think about providing the best security to our home or a shop, the first thing that comes to our mind is the first line of defense – the locks! There are plenty of locks to choose from, depending on the security that you want for your home.

Mortise locks are a great option to go for, considering the fact that it is high-reliability against break-ins by burglars. As when it is locked, the bolt inside the locks projects itself in the door jamb, which makes it impossible for the burglars to get inside the premises without a valid key. Apart from being highly reliable, these are also required for insurance policies in some cases.

Not just the doors, a burglar attempt can be made from windows, and other exists as well. With windows, you can use casement type locks.

Note: Mortise locks are highly-effective against burglary unless without a key. If you lost your keys, it would be best to call a mobile locksmith as opposed to trying to open it by yourself.

Install Video Surveillance Cameras

The implementation of security surveillance cameras is one of the best ways to enhance security in your store and homes as well. A surveillance camera can do a lot better than it is meant to be. Not only it records every second of what happens throughout the day, but a mere sight of a camera can stop a burglary attempt.

The same goes for security in your shop. A surveillance camera always works as a deterrent for the shoplifters. You can easily monitor different areas of your store on a real-time basis and take action if you take notice of any unusual activity.

There are different places where you can install surveillance cameras.

For shops: You can install cameras behind cash registers, inside the storage rooms, near all entrances & exits and also the parking lots.

For home: It is best to install security cameras at the front porch, the fire exits, one on the roof, and the garage.

Note: Take the help of a local security professional to get the most out of your camera installments. They can help you with all the hot spots where you should install the cameras, lighting requirements, and maximum area coverage.

Invest in an Unbreakable Safe

Whether you are investing in the safety of your home or the shop, the chances are you might be keeping your daily earnings, valuables, and essential documents in a safe. The fact that thieves and burglars are aware of this fact, you cannot use a normal safe that can be compromised.

Usually, stainless steel safes that can be mounted in walls or floors are the best kinds to use in a shop or your home. These safes are immobile, and one cannot just easily take it away or break into them.

It’s the 21st century, and when it comes to security, it is important to think about it from different perspectives. Thieves and burglars are not the only security enhancements that you should think of. A minor short-circuit at your shop can be responsible for leading to a huge fire. At times like these, you won’t like to see your valuables getting turned to ashes.

That is why it is important that you use a multi-purpose safe, which is burglary, fire, and waterproof.

Use Monitored Alarms

For thieves, it doesn’t necessarily take much time to break into your security systems and to get their hands on all your valuables. Whether it is your home or the store, you must stay connected to your store by installing a system of monitored alarms.

Security alarms work best to detect open doors, broken windows, or any motion. And once they are triggered, the jarring alarm sound helps in startling the intruders. Often these technologies are equipped with a mechanism that sends notification to the owner’s phone and the local authorities for quick action.

Use Integrated Access Control

For store security, Access control technology works great to limit the access of the different areas to only the authorized people. You can assign unique identification card access to your employees in the store. This way, you get a clear picture of the employees that had access to different areas of the store at any particular time.

If you find something missing from the store, you can investigate the situation with the help of the time logs of the employees. This way, you can find the person that has access to that particular area where the incident happened.

The same can also be implemented in a house. An outsider won’t have access to a particular room in a house other than the family members, servants, and other people in a house.

Use EAS Systems for the Stores

Nellis Air Force Base
Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) | Source: media.defense.gov

The burglary doesn’t need to happen at the time of your absence from your store. It can happen in broad daylight by shoplifters. One of the significant measures to take against shoplifters is the use of EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) system. It involves attaching tags to the clothing and other products from your store.

Unless the tags are removed by an authorized employee, a person can’t take the product out of the store. If a person tries to leave your store without an EAS tag being detached from the product, a loud alarm sound will ring that will alert you to take quick actions.


Today, thieves, burglars, and shoplifters possess a great deal of knowledge and are well aware of the latest tools for stealing. If you are not taking the necessary precautions against them, the security of your home and shop can easily be compromised.

Before you use any of the measures mentioned in the article, it is essential for you to analyze what kind of security you need for your home or shop.

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1 thought on “6 Ways to Improve Home and Shop Security”

  1. Ayokunnumi A. E

    Great article I must admit!
    Security is a priority that cannot be taken for granted in these times.
    From the stance of a pet lover, parent, and content writer, I’ll like to stress the improvement technology has afforded us in ensuring the safety of our precious canine and feline buddies. As lovely and loyal as pets can be, they sometimes take unwarranted strolls in the park among other places. In this light, chips among other technological innovations in this regards have help ensure the safety of our pets.

    Once again, great job and well done with this article and site at large!

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