Common Data Backup Mistakes and How to Avoid Them?

Computer Hard Disc, Data Backup, HDD Storage, Data Recovery.

This disaster of data loss can take anyone by surprise which is when a backup may come in handy. Data backup is a good way for you to store your valuable data on several devices simultaneously. This backup allows you to access your files on various devices. Even though most people know the importance of data backup some people and companies make mistakes that may cost them a lot. Here are few of the mistakes you should keep in mind so you can avoid them.

Some common data backup mistakes

There are some data backup mistakes that are commonly made. You will be better able to save yourself from them if you know about them and how they can be avoided.

1. Data not backed up at all

It has been found that only about 50% companies backup their data. As for others, either they don’t have plans for data backup or they backup only a small amount of the data. These companies who do not follow a proper plan for backup are at a greater risk of losing their data up to 40% or more. The best option to save yourself from such a loss will be to have a backup plan for your company.

2. Getting confused between sync and backup

One common mistake that results from confusion between syncing and backup is that people think that syncing means that they do not need backup. Nevertheless, you need to keep in mind that these two things are entirely different. Syncing means that if you make changes in one file on any device, these changes will be saved even if you open it on any other device. On the other hand, backup ensures data being saved so that it can be recovered from another place in case of being lost. Hence, in order to avoid data loss make sure to know the difference and backup your data before any loss occurs.

3. Not making use of the updated data recovery methods

There are several methods that are used for data recovery both old and new. One mistake that people and companies make is that they make use of the old data recovery methods such as disks or data tapes. These outdated data recovery systems are at a greater risk of suffering from physical damage or theft. Making use of the latest methods such as cloud, may be a better alternative to the older methods. Yet, make sure to have other offline data recovery methods such as hard drive and external devices.

If you take note of these common data backup mistakes, you are less likely to suffer from data losses. Nevertheless, sometimes you may face an unexpected data loss. In such a case, where do you go? What options do you have? Some sites such as can act as good options for you to get your data recovered safe and sound. With their skill and expertise, such companies can save you in your hour of need!

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