The Value of Cloud-Based Backup for Your Business

What Is Cloud-Based Backup?

Cloud-based backup is a system where cloud computing services store, create, manage, and edit services and data. Sometimes referred to as “online” or “remote” backup, cloud backup works via a system accessible over the Internet. It can store any type of data or application. Often, cloud backup will recover lost files or data, allowing for the restoration of a desktop, server, or even a complete system.

Why Cloud-Based Backup Is Valuable for Your Business?

Data protection can be a challenge, especially for small- and medium-sized businesses. A loss of data and files, at best, can cause delays. Appropriate backup can prevent the variety of losses that stem from the inability to recover data. In a worst-case scenario, without a backup system in place, a disaster can force a business to close.

Any form of backup is valuable to avoid data loss. However, moving to cloud-based backup has several advantages over direct-attached storage backup methods.

  • Affordable

    Purchasing physical means of backup can be expensive. Tape drives, servers, hardware, and software can be a major investment, especially for smaller businesses. Physical storage also has storage limits, which will lead to the need to purchase more storage in the long run. Transportation for safekeeping and IT labor add further costs.

    In comparison, cloud-based backup services can cost as little as a few hundred dollars per year, making it a much more affordable system. The capacity for storage can keep costs low, and eliminates the need to pay more for troubleshooting services.

  • Not Dependent on Infrastructure

    Without any physical infrastructure to maintain, your business gets more than an affordable system. Since cloud-based backup operates through the Internet, your employees and customers can access their data from any location at any time.

    Backup encourages keeping a copy of your files off-site in case of an emergency. Theft, fires, and natural disasters like hurricanes and floods can cause damage to your office, potentially destroying any physical backups and computers. With cloud-based storage, your data is safe, no matter what may happen in your office space.

  • Secure and Easy to Use

    Security is a concern when it comes to your company’s data, and cloud-based backups can provide it. A cloud system operates not only in one computer’s storage system, but in several. Data may not stay in one specific place; instead, it may move along different parts of the cloud, keeping it from resting in one area for too long.

    Overall, cloud-based backup security is comparable to a bank—Companies oversee the data of thousands of people, so they have the security systems to keep your data safe.

    Cloud-based backup systems are also easy to use. Instead of having to find the correct physical drive to store and restore your data from, a cloud system will automatically backup your data. Restoration requires just a few clicks of a mouse to locate and recover any lost files.

How to Get Started with Cloud-Based Backup?

If you’re ready to make the switch to cloud-based backup, you want to be sure that you’re getting the right service. Consider these factors:

  • Encryption: Does the backup solution provide encryption as a layer of security? Encrypting files can prevent information leaks in the event of a security breach.
  • Compression: Does the service compress your data before sending it to the cloud? Compression of data makes for smaller file sizes, lowering the overall cost of your storage.
  • Pricing:. Have you found a service with pricing suitable for you? There are many companies to choose from when selecting a cloud-based service option. Search to find one that matches your budget.
  • Data transfer speeds: Not all cloud storage solutions allow you to upload at maximum speeds. Check your storage handling speeds.
  • Backup solution features: Some cloud backup software options can only upload/recover files, but you may need image backup or an application-aware solution. Make a list of your needs as a business and find a solution that matches your needs. You might consider CloudBerry Backup as your cloud-based backup solution.
  • Storage features: Different storage solutions include different features. Some of them are suitable for file sharing; some will be as feature-rich as AWS or Microsoft Azure. Prior to choosing storage, define the feature set that you will need.

The Risks of Not Having a Backup Plan

There are many ways data can be corrupted or lost. If this occurs, you risk losing valuable customer and contact information, projects, records, legal documents, accounting information, and whatever else your business stores. These losses can lead to drops in productivity, revenue, partnerships, business, and customer respect. If customer data becomes compromised, your company could face serious legal consequences.


Cloud-based backup is the storage and backup solution for the modern business. With affordable prices, remote storage, high security, and ease of access and use, cloud-based storage has replaced physical infrastructure methods and can give your business the accessibility and security of data to avoid the risks of data loss.

About The Author

Doug Hazelman Pic
Doug Hazelman
Vice President Technical Marketing, CloudBerry
Doug Hazelman is a software industry veteran with over 20 years experience including 9.5 years at Veeam Software. He was on the executive team at Veeam and also helped spearhead Veeam’s community and technical evangelists efforts as well as provided insight into product strategy. Doug has held various management positions at other software companies throughout his career. He graduated with a BS in Computer Science from Western Illinois University with a minor in marketing.


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