4 Benefits of Using Video Marketing and Why Businesses Should Use It

Over the years, with the advancement of technology, people from all over the world are using various electronic gadgets. This has led to people joining multiple social media platforms. People love to spend their time watching videos on their smartphones or computer. The most popular site for videos is YouTube. It is the second most famous social media platform, with over 1.8 billion users. Businesses can use this platform as a marketing tool. To make videos for YouTube, one can use YouTube movie creators.

What is video marketing?

Video Marketing

Video marketing is a type of content marketing where the business uses a video to promote their services and products. With the increasing popularity of videos, traditional marketing such as face-to-face marketing, direct mail, and print marketing has seen a significant decline. For various valid reasons, video marketing is gradually taking over traditional marketing.

Importance of video marketing

Videos account for 73% of Internet traffic. This data proves that videos are often used by businesses to market their products and services. According to research video marketing is preferred by most of the customers. Most of the time the audience would watch a video and want to share it with their friends and family. This is what marketers capitalize on.

Benefits of video marketing

For both the business owners and the customers, video marketing, has a lot of benefits. Customers are willing to watch a video more than looking at an image. Beautifully crafted explainer videos for business by marketing professionals like Creative Triplet can give some excellent results. Some of the ways to get your audience’s attention are:

1. Capture your audience’s attention.

Most of us are watching videos all day. Sometimes these can get boring. Audiences are always looking for content, which is visually appealing. Marketers should produce content, which will grab the customer’s attention. Video ads are known to promote the products and services of a company and help you expand your audience. Having a video that is visually pleasing will make your audience stop scrolling and look at it. Research also showed that people spend five times longer watching a video ad than an image ad.

2. Make an emotional connection.

If a business can create a video ad that makes the customers get emotionally invested that it plays as a huge advantage. Strong emotions such as sadness or laughter can help you create a strong bond with your customers. Try to include the emotions you are trying to portray with the product in your video. This will help your audience remember your video and opt for your products or services.

3. Make a lasting impression.

As discussed above, videos often tend to leave a lasting impression. When people watch a video ad, they are more likely to remember 70% of the video and recall it. They also spend more time watching a video ad than an image ad. Good videos are known to leave a lasting impression on their customers.

4. Mobile viewers love videos.

People constantly check their smartphones throughout the day. According to research, more than 75% of video views come from mobile phones. Hence, one can reach more audiences with the help of videos that are mobile-friendly. Create videos that are compatible with both mobiles and computers. This will help you achieve a broad audience all over the globe.

Should you make use of video marketing for your business?

In this article, we will discuss why one should use video marketing for their business.

1. Helps increase brand awareness.

We know that video ads can help your business gain more potential customers when they spend time watching the video. The video ads help the customer get an idea about your brand and the services or products you offer. They spend a good amount of time watching the video, which helps them remember your brand. Marketers had noticed a 50% increase in brand awareness when a video ad was used in the place of a static image.

2. Helps you reach a larger audience.

Research has shown that video ads are shared 12 times more on social media platforms than images or posts with texts. When your customers share your videos in their social media account, it helps you achieve potential new customers. Although face-to-face marketing is known for its efficiency, video marketing can open new doors for the business.

3. Helps to encourage engagement.

When companies produce a good video ad that customers like, they will share it in the social media account. This will help your business attract more attention from other audiences. It is seen video marketing has helped increase 50% engagement compared to text and images.

4. Helps your company increase the sale.

When audiences start to notice your company or brand, they are most likely to visit your website or your store. The video marketing efforts will pay off if you can make a sale. Video marketing can make sales more often than static image ads or other counterparts if you can add a voucher code for new users to your business.

Videos are essential for search engine optimization. If your video is relevant and strong, then Google will reward you by ranking you higher in the search engine results.

What should you do to create a good marketing video?

We already know what potential video marketing has to help your business gain more customers. But business needs to know how to make these video ads. The first step is to have professional footage, and the video clip should be of high quality. There are various types of videos one can produce for marketing. Some of them are promotional video, explainer video, event video, a sales video, product video, demo video, and many more.

With the points mentioned above, a company can create video ads to promote their services and products. It will help them gain a lot more potential customers and increase sales. Besides, content creators are always searching for editing software, which is cost-effective. For those who are searching for a promo video creator should opt for InVideo. They provide a variety of templates, which are customizable. The website is free of cost and comes with various editing options such as adding transitions, animations, graphics, and many more.

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