What Are The Features Required To Create A Classified Website Like Craigslist

What are the Features Required To Create a Classified Website Like Craigslist?

Before we get into the article let’s understand what is Craigslist. Craigslist is a New York-based classified ads website.

These are the websites where businesses and institutions can post their advertisements so that people can find them.

This is a way to increase backlinks for SEO optimizers and to gain more customers or clients for the business.

These websites are still used by many people and Craigslist is the name that most people have heard.

There are people who might have never visited their website but they still would have heard the name, this is the popularity Craigslist has achieved.

In this article, readers will get to know how they can create such a website. There are many classified app development company that people can choose for developing such a website.

Some Tips To Know Before You Go And Make A Classified Ads Website Like Craigslist

Before getting into the pool of features and technicalities of how you can develop a website like Craigslist, know why it is so popular.

There are so many classified ads websites on the web but most of them have to roll back because they do not get enough clients who pay them.

All the classified apps or most of them have to keep the entries free and because of that, they can only attract SEO executives who are looking for these websites to increase backlinks.

The main motive of these websites is to become a bridge between customers and businesses.

Features Of Craigslist

  1. A Simple Design So All Ads Are Visible
  2. Diverse Categories
  3. Categories Of Free Classifieds Or Cheap Ones

1. A Simple Design So All Ads Are Visible

They have a newspaper like design, this helps the users to view all the categories clearly. They have also divided their categories very precisely which makes it even easier.

The layout is very basic but that allows the users to stay focused on what they want to search and stay away from distractions.

There are many websites on the internet that have made their interface so complex that users don’t even stay on them for 5 minutes.

2. Diverse Categories

They have kept their categories diverse. If they stayed specific to some categories, they might not have been this popular

Also, they provide the best quality classifieds in all the categories and that is what makes them the best. Going for all the categories possible is a tough job.

The listings need to be genuine and having these many categories makes it a tiring job.

Any classified app development company should keep in mind all these features while development of these kinds of apps.

3. Categories Of Free Classifieds Or Cheap Ones

Classified websites keep a free category but none of them manages their free categories as Craigslist does.

They also have cheap options for the brands and businesses that want features listing. Featured listing on a website of this caliber might cost a lot but they have still kept it balanced for their members.

This is one of the qualities that have kept them in the market and in the category of top 3.

How To Build A Classified Website

1. Choose Between Open Source Solution Or Customized Web Development

Deciding between these two is really easy if the person who wants to develop the website is clear about the requirements and has a plan.

The difference between the two is that one will be made on a template solution like WordPress and the other will be customized and will be made from scratch.

Companies or individuals who want to make a website in a balanced budget without making a completely different website should go for open source classified apps solutions.

The ones who want to create a unique classified ads website should try and create a website from scratch.

2. Make Sure To Add All Relevant Features

It is very important to add relevant features. Create a balance of the basic and latest features on the website.

A classified mobile app development company that wants to make a smooth website needs to keep the features balanced.

Too many features can bulk up the website that can eventually slow down the website. Adding up features to the website just because they are attractive is not a good option.

What Are The Challenges?

1. Completion

The market is filled with such websites. A web development company that works for these projects makes sure that they have all the relevant information and resources to make the website worth it.

The websites that want to succeed in this category need to have a strong team that is ready to work with 100% dedication. It is important to keep a check on all the entries.

Listing websites or businesses that are not relevant will just make it look very immature and mismanaged. Companies need to hire classified app developers to get the best website.

2. Keeping Check On Genuine Vs Spam Entries

As discussed in the last point, it is important to keep an eye for the spam entries. Due to SEO optimization, some people add their websites and businesses in more than one category.

They often add their business in the categories that are not relevant. It is important to remove such listings to maintain the authenticity of the website and the lists.

A classified app development company needs to make some way to identify and hold websites that do not provide proper details.

3. Proper Customer Support

People will face problems. Even if the website is working smoothly people might find it hard to get to something.

The support system should be working all the time. A company can take the help of chatbots, email responses and also add a number for people to contact.

All of these should also be working properly. All classified applications need a strong customer support system.

4. Cost To Develop

The cost to develop such websites can often go out of the plan. Most people have the idea that these are just normal websites but when people are serious about it they want it to be the best.

The best of the classified apps, especially the ones like Craigslist take a good amount of money and the company also needs to hire classified app developers who can keep it maintained.


Developing a website that works like Craigslist is not an easy job. This is one sector that has seen a lot of failures.

A classified application development company needs to keep all the tips and challenges in mind before they move on to developing such a website.

Tarun Nagar - Founder CEO Dev Technosys.

Author Bio: Tarun Nagar is the Founder & CEO of Dev Technosys, a global ranking mobile app development company in USA. With 10+ years of experience of enabling then Start-ups which are now global leaders with creative solutions, he is differentiated by out-of-the-box IT solutions throughout the domain. He is known for his visionary qualities and adaptability for technology and trends, passionate as he is in every aspect dedicated to making IT simple, accessible and approachable for business enterprises.

Author LinkedIn Profile – https://www.linkedin.com/in/tarun-nagar-2a98b2117/

Company LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/dev-technosys-pvt-ltd/

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Company Twitter – https://x.com/devtechnosys

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