In a very short period progressive web apps have created a spot in the mobile app development industry. When we talk about mobile apps it occupies a lot of memory space. It depends on the network connection and steps that users will take to find an app and start using it. With the introduction of PWAs, it is easy to download them from a website and run them like a website.
There are three main benefits of progressive web apps:
- They save a lot of time consumed in finding the app on the store, installing it, and feeding information to start using it.
- Since Progressive Web Apps work as a website, they consume less device storage.
- Because they work primarily as a website, the concept of cache holds true, which enables the app to perform offline.
Progressive web apps are the ideal combination of mobile apps and websites which is a cost-saving formula for entrepreneurs. Due to the low cost of development, less memory consumption and offline performance, Progressive Web Apps has fueled the business of many renowned brands like Tinder, Uber, Trivago, and many more.
The success stories of such business giants are enough to look into progressive web app development.
If you are also looking forward to converting your existing website into progressive web apps then you must know the elements to create PWA from the website:
To convert a website into PWA, here are the three things required –
- An attached Android device running Chrome 52 or above,
- A basic understanding of Git and Chrome DevTools,
- The sample code, and a Text Editor.
Once you have these ready, get your HTTPS website out for migration.
Create an App Manifest
An app manifest is a JSON file containing the information mentioned below:
- Website’s background color for OS integration
- The canonical name of the website
- The theme color of the website for OS integration
- A short version of that name (for icons)
- The URL scope that the progressive web app is limited to
- The initial URL that new instances of the PWA will be loaded
- A human-readable description
- Orientation restrictions
- Any icons for your website to be used on the home screen
This information will be utilized as the OS-level metadata while installing the progressive web app.
Add the Manifest to Your Base HTML Template
It is recommended to add the HTML link for the manifest to the lowest level HTML template of your application, or, in the case of a pure client-side web app, its main index.html file, as it is required to be as visible by the browser client trying to install the app. It’s simple to add, let you are hosting this manifest at the path /static/manifest.json, simply add it to the <head> section:
<link rel="manifest" href="/static/manifest.json">
Create offline.html as an Alias to index.html
By default, the service worker code below will render /offline.html instead of any resource it can’t fetch while offline. Create a file at <your-scope>/offline.html to convey the end-use more informative message, clarifying that the data is not cached and the user is currently offline.
If you are looking forward to the single-page web app, you might want to make offline.html a symbolic link to your index.html file and have the offline 404 be handled inside there. If users cannot be redirected to offline pages, it can distract users at a fairly useless “offline” screen. This obviates a lot of the point of progressive web apps in the first place. Make sure you have added a “back” button on all error pages.
In macOS and Linux, you can symbolically link offline.html to index.html like this:
ln -s index.html offline.html
Create the Service Worker
You need to decide what pages you always want your user to easily access. The requested pages will be cached for every individual user to that website with a browser that is compatible with services workers.
Load The Service Worker
To load the service worker, all you need to do is add the below set of code to your base HTML template at the end of your <body> tag:
if (!navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
navigator.serviceWorker.register("/sw.js").then(function(reg) {
console.log("Service worker has been registered for scope: " + reg.scope);
Deploy Your Progressive Web App
At this stage deploy your app to the place where you want your user to access it for further use.
To successfully convert your existing website into PWA, hiring a skilled developer is a must. You can hire an experienced app development company to connect with industry experts. Let’s have a brief discussion about why consulting a professional progressive web app development company is a great idea:
100% Transparency
An experienced developer relies on a 100% transparent development process. From the reporting pattern, completing the project to the final phase of development, they keep everything transparent. You will get real-time updates of your project while working with tech professionals.
Experienced and Reliable
They follow a highly reliable and dedicated PWA App development process that results in some intelligent and interactive progressive web applications for your business. They deliver seamless PWA development services using the skills and expertise of the latest tools and technologies.
Hassle-Free Project Management
Talented PWA developers proficiently deal with project complexities that act as a hindrance in the entire development process. They have expertise in managing real-time challenges, allowing better app development.
Fulfilling Customized Needs
Customized plans are available as per the requirement of organizations. They have personalized pricing and plans for different business specifications. Certified PWA developers are available on an hourly, monthly, part-time, and full-time basis. You can hire as per your requirements, whether for the short term or long term!
No-Cost Estimate
Want to turn your existing website into a progressive web app? Share your requirements with PWA developers and get a no-cost estimate within a few hours of discussing your project with the team. They provide you immediate assistance and a reputed firm won’t ask you for extra pay.
Your Project Secrecy
They prioritize every business’s data confidentiality. A professional team truly values your idea and keeps it confidential. Before collaborating for the development tasks, they will utilize NDA for developing a trustworthy relationship with their clients and better results.
They Work As Per Your Schedule
No matter its day or night, hiring a reputed firm will give you the benefit of real-time assistance. They work as per your time zone and work schedule to maintain proper collaboration and avoid any communication gap.
Secure Data Migration
They follow a standard and structured approach for data migration considering both value and data before migration. They create highly-functional and feature-rich apps that are an apt blend of native and browser applications. They mainly emphasize secure data migration to avoid any data leakage. They understand the value of their client’s confidential data and hence follow the best migration process.
You must take assistance from an experienced progressive web app development company to get your desired PWA. There are numerous technical elements that are a part of the PWA development process. Any professional mobile app developer can help you to cover all the technical aspects for a better outcome. To convert your existing website into PWA, employ a progressive web app developer who has specialized in the same domain.

Author’s Bio:
Emily White is an experienced developer with great knowledge. She has been working at CSSChopper , a reputed progressive web app development company. Emily also likes writing articles to share educational content with others.
Once the PWA is cached, if I add features or fix some bugs, how is possible to update it automatically or promt the user to update it ?
Again thank you for your great job!