Steps for Determining a Company’s Software Needs

Understanding precisely what a company needs seems like it should be straightforward, right? After all, it should theoretically be as simple as identifying knowledge gaps and weaknesses and then fixing them. However, many brands don’t know exactly what they need to succeed. A growing brand often requires a wide number of software platforms, outsourced programs, and external assistance to flourish.

While this seems like advice that targets startups, it holds for just about any business. With competition at an all-time high, it’s unsurprising that companies seek all the software aid they can. If you’re ready to advance your brand, but you’re not sure where to start, here are a few ways you can take a look at your company’s software needs.

Start with a needs assessment.

Software Needs Assessment and Open Projects.

Before you start looking for added areas of opportunity, it’s best, to begin with what you already know. A needs assessment shows your current weak spots and helps you find appropriate fixes. For instance, say that your brand handles a high volume of customer-facing activity. You’ve noticed in recent feedback reports and survey responses that customer satisfaction has dipped. You’re struggling to deal with large amounts of incoming calls and live chats. Since you’re currently overworked, your needs assessment shows that you need a software solution that can provide workarounds.

This then leads you to a software platform that streamlines the customer service process. This helps you handle larger software projects, connect to buyers and sellers, and enhance customer expectation functions. While this may not refer to your specific needs, you’ll follow the same general path when you’re looking for new software. This benefits both your brand as well as your stakeholders and the overall user experience. It’s a good idea to begin with a needs assessment before you start browsing the software marketplace. Otherwise, you may find yourself inundated with marketplace options.

While certain custom software brands and platforms can act as a needs assessment broker, you’ll likely handle this step internally. You don’t need to develop a custom software solution to ensure that you can find which avenues of growth will best suit your business.

Find established brands.

While you can stick to new software options, it’s often a good idea to find a well-tested solution for your needs. Whether you need a mobile app for your workflow or a larger solution, this will help you find a software developer with a track record of overall success. As entrepreneurs like Prabir Purohit would say, it’s not always the best idea to have a startup relying on another startup. While you may find some success with a new software framework, you could find yourself in a difficult position if a burgeoning platform fails during the developing phase or larger rollout.

When you’re looking for established brands, you should follow some key best practices. These often include researching the secondary market, looking at FAQ pages, and browsing rollout timelines. For instance, say you’re looking to buy up an IPv4 address block since you have ongoing IP address needs. The first step is to find a brand in the IPv4 address space to help you throughout the IPv4 block transfer process. Typically, that’s an IPv4 broker. They can also help when it’s time for a new system or IPv6 block.

Established brands can help you discover your company’s needs, assist your project managers, and recommend new releases from their internal development teams. It’s the smartest way to gain insight into what would help your business perform. Even if you don’t need to purchase IPv4, prepare for IPv6 deployment, or increase plugin engagement, the process of finding a robust brand still stands.

Opt for custom solutions that fit areas of opportunity.

Person using computer keyboard photo

If you’re not sure precisely what you need, you may want to develop a new platform. Of course, for a potential buyer, this can be daunting. For a small team, you may not have team members that can parse every line of code in the long-term. You’ll also have to worry about terms of service, non-disclosure agreements, and acquisition vendors. That’s why many brands turn to custom software developers for their new releases. It takes the pressure off your project managers, helps you develop a stronger copyright policy, and craft a more successful project in a shorter amount of time.

When you start planning your custom software application, you’ll meet with custom software developers first. Your provider will discuss your needs and required functions. After that, they’ll likely offer suggestions and identify areas of opportunity. The development team will then work to craft the custom software application that fits your brand’s needs. While custom software is certainly the most expensive option, it’s also the most likely to provide a custom application that will fit your exact needs, as well as those you weren’t able to suss out yourself.

For instance, your custom software developers may craft a mobile app architecture that helps you push out a new releases newsletter. However, as they work alongside you on the custom software project, the devs spot other growth opportunities and recommend them. You may need a larger block size, a more visible privacy notice, an app tutorial, or even a paid upgrade to remove ads within the app. You don’t want any surprises when you invest in custom software, so it’s good to find a professional agency.

Consider multiple platforms.

Whether you want to impress your investors or the Vice President of Finance or you simply want to improve your online offerings, it’s a good idea to incorporate multiple solutions. That way, you’re able to cover all of your bases more effectively. In some cases, you’ll partner with an IPv6 addresses broker or attend an address space auction. In others, you’ll work on a custom software development project rollout to handle your needs internally. No matter your brand’s specific needs, it’s critical that you take the necessary steps to address them. It’ll make your stakeholders happy and provide for a smoother brand rollout. Identify, plan, and execute your vision for stronger growth and scalability.

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