9 Must-Have Tools for Entrepreneurs

9 Must-Have Tools for Entrepreneurs

If you find yourself facing problems nowadays as a bustling entrepreneur, then don’t worry. Right now, we are living in a golden age of programs, apps, and tools custom-built to keep you at the peak of your game. Here are the types of tools you need to make your job easier.

1. Organization Software

The first step for success is to be organized. Luckily, there are a plethora of options out there to help you out. Programs like Evernote make it easier to keep track of your notes and data. Scattered sticky notes and messy calendars can be a thing of the past when you leave the small stuff to the organization programs, helping you focus on the big stuff.

2. Product Management

Programs like Trello help keep track of all your projects, allowing you to break them down into lists and sublists. You’ll also have the ability to sync those lists between devices. Additionally, you can add notes or photos to any project. It’s a great way to make sure you and your team increase productivity.

3. Data Storage

Eventually, you are going to run into issues sending files to your peers and clients that are too large to send over email. A program like Dropbox allows you to upload files to the cloud where you can grant access to whoever needs it.

4. Background Check Programs

Even if you run a company of one, you may want to hire somebody eventually either as a freelancer or for a full-time position. When that happens, you need a reliable way to assess your potential hires. However, the problem is that traditional checks take too long. How long does a background check take? A traditional service might take weeks, but you can get the results back in minutes with ShareAble for Hires.

5. Stay Well-Informed

If you are going to become a successful investor, you need something to keep you up to date on the latest trends. You’ve got to stay on top of the industry you are in to make sure that you don’t miss anything. There are many programs out there like Pocket that can scrape through the news for you. The system will pick and choose articles that relate to your interests.

Time Tracking Software

6. Remain Focused and Productive

It’s easy to get distracted when surrounded by technology. That’s why RescueTime exists. The program records all of the time you spend on each website and gives you a report every week. If you’ve ever wanted an app to shame you by showing you how much time you waste, then this is the one.

7. Email System

With a ROI of $44 to $1 spent, email is still one of the most effective and cheapest ways to market right now, and that is not likely to change anytime soon. When you have an effective email system set up, you can automate emails, share your content, and promote on a very limited budget.

8. Bookkeeping Software

As an entrepreneur, you are going to need a bookkeeping and invoicing system to keep track of cash flow coming in and out. Luckily, there are several systems online that are easy to use and almost do your accounting for you.

9. A Website

A website is probably the most important tool on the list. It provides legitimacy to your service and attracts customers. When comparing two businesses, 9 times out of 10 the customer is going to pick the one with a website. It’s the business card of the modern age.

By adding some or all of these tools to your arsenal, your life will be that much easier as an entrepreneur. Hopefully, this collection helps you out in your career.

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