Common Cyber Security Blunders You Need to Take Care to Avoid

Common Cyber Security Blunders You Need to Take Care to Avoid

In this day and age, all businesses rely heavily on information technology. Failure to protect IT infrastructure and data from breaches can lead to loss of business, money, and above all, the reputation that can prove very costly. The goal of instituting a robust cyber security framework in your business is to protect your privacy, data confidentiality, and finances. For those unfamiliar with the concept, the adaptation for cyber-security is to layer multiple defense mechanisms to delay (not prevent) a successful attack until appropriate preventative measures are deployed. There are several companies that are offering Penetration testing services to identify a weak spot in our defense system. Not only is it necessary for you to put into place an effective cyber security policy but also you need to make sure that you do not make mistakes that can compromise your data. Some of the most common cyber security mistakes that business organizations tend to make:

Taking Note of Only the Big Breaches

Often data breaches are very difficult to spot and even after you realize that your cyber security has been compromised, it can take a long time to understand the nature of the compromise and the extent of the damage. More than the large-event hacking incidents that are readily apparent, you need to appreciate that you have to be on your guard against the small events that can very often go unnoticed unless you are on high alert. These events have the potential for causing more damage because they go on for longer without detection. The first symptom of a cyber security attack may be just a system glitch that is commonly reported to the IT team to look into as a part of their normal responsibilities. However, by doing this, you may be giving yourself less time to detect the breach and take steps to limit the damage.

Not Having a Cyber Security Response Team

If system glitches that are actually security breaches are passed on to a typically overloaded IT team in your organization, the action required to be taken can be initiated after a long time exacerbating the extent of the damage. By passing on the responsibility of addressing the security breach to the already-busy IT team, you end up magnifying the problem. You should instead, have a response team comprising members from all departments that can take swift and appropriate action, advises a Commprise Hartford Connecticut cyber security consultant.

Not Knowing the Extent of the Breach

Because of the complex nature of most organizations and their IT networks involving access relationships and devices running into millions, the nature and list of potential vulnerabilities can be frightening. To be able to figure out the potential damage of a data breach, you need to be able to generate a list of all access relationships as well as the devices being used. By modeling a hacker attack on your IT infrastructure, you will be able to get an idea of the options available to the intruder once access has been gained to your system. According to Forbes, it is important to keep revising your cybersecurity budget in line with the merging threats.


IT security is of paramount importance for contemporary businesses. It is important to appreciate that despite robust security systems, data breaches can still occur as hackers are getting increasingly clever. It is, therefore, very important, for you to have a data backup policy that can get up and running again in a matter of hours while you undertake a complete investigation of the breach.

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