Top 5 Features Every eCommerce Website Must-Have

Top 5 Must-Have Features for Ecommerce Websites

You will never make an impact in the world by being ordinary. Suits perfectly for online stores too. Will you buy from an online store which looks and feels just the way like any other online store? No, right. To be a successful online store, your store needs to have some unique features that will make it stick with customers. Features, that will excite them, engage them and also make them feel secure. After all, online shopping is an experience more than a physical activity. That is why you need to hire eCommerce website development experts to improve your business. Here are some great features that your online store or eCommerce website must have.

#1. It Begins With A Name

Be it a friend, a thing or a website, the name is what we remember the most. Your eCommerce store must have a good domain name. Ideally, the domain name must be short & crisp, memorable, search-engine friendly and possibly one that can be converted into a brand name. Think Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Azos, all of which are not any generic names, but specific domain names with a brand value that online shoppers recognize easily.

#2. Be Mobile Responsive

“1.6 billion people use their mobile devices to shop online globally.” ~ Invespecro.

Mobile eCommerce is a massive opportunity that you must seize. To seize that opportunity, your online store must be mobile responsive. Even if you don’t have a mobile app for your e-commerce business, the mobile responsiveness of your online store will ensure that the website gets its share of traffic and subsequent sales without fail.

#3. Multiple Payment Integrations

If you thought customers pay for their shopping bills only using credit cards, you got it wrong. Customers prefer paying using a plethora of online payment options like PayPal, debit cards, Internet banking, digital wallet, coupons, promo codes and much more.

The more payment integrations and options you give them, the more convenient they will feel in completing the purchasing process. And, a satisfied customer is a loyal one who brings revenue for a long time to come.

#4. Security Seals

Security indicators, seals and badges serve the purpose of instilling trust in the minds of customers. Security seals for firewall protection, encryption, SSL certificate (HTTPS enabled website), etc. prove that your eCommerce website cares about the privacy and payment security of its customers.

Payment security is something that a majority of customers wish for before Log in, browsing and buying something from an online store. If your store is yet to upgrade its security measures, begin with setting up Comodo EV SSL or similar affordable SSL certificates on your website of leading & trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) such as RapidSSL, GeoTrust, Symantec, Thawte, GlobalSign etc.

#5. Search Engine Friendliness

According to MineWhat Blog’s infographic finding 60% of shoppers search online before deciding to make a buy. Search engine friendliness is a make-or-break situation for an online store. If your store is optimized for SEO friendliness, the more easy it would be for your prospective customers to find you straight away.

That’s it, folks. These are the five pointers you should bear in mind and bring alive on your online store to make it successful.

Please be informed that there are plenty others too. But, these form the crux of the matter that you cannot afford to miss at any cost.

So, get going winning more customers and more sales with these tips.

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