How To Optimise Your WooCommerce Website

WooCommerce is a popular platform for many website owners that need a shopping basket to sell their products online, and it has plenty of valuable features and tools. However, to get the most from your business and increase your online sales, you will need to have your WooCommerce website optimised for SEO. You can do lots of things to optimise your site, and below are a few of the critical areas that you may wish to look at first.

Optimise Your WooCommerce Website

Keyword Research

Before starting any digital marketing campaign, whether the site is WooCommerce or not, the first step is identifying the best keywords for your business. There is plenty of information available online to help you with this aspect, but you need to look at more than just the search volumes of the keywords.

Revise Your Page Titles

When you use the services of a leading internet marketing company in Australia, for example, one of the first things they look at on a website are areas such as the page titles. These are one of the most important ranking factors of onsite SEO, and they help to tell search engines what the web page is all about. You will need to have your primary keyword in your page title and ensure that each page title is unique.

Optimise Your Images

Another vital area of your WooCommerce website that you will need to look at is the images on your website. It is one thing to have beautiful high-resolution images on your site to make it look good, but these can also hold your website back and reduce its online visibility. The photos can make your website load slowly, affecting your rankings and how users interact with your site. If your images do not load correctly, then visitors will be less likely to purchase from you, so it is a vital aspect that you need to look at as a priority.

The Mobile Friendliness Of Your Website

A website SEO audit will show you the mobile-friendliness of your site, which is a significant factor and will affect your rankings and traffic. If your website is not mobile-friendly, it will not perform as well as it should, and Google looks at the mobile version of websites when evaluating them. A slow-loading website often drives users away, and the attention span of people is getting shorter, so your site needs to be quick.

Clean URLs

You will also want to ensure that the different URLs of your website are clean and straightforward. If you leave a website to its default, you will often have long web addresses full of characters that make no sense. You will want to create a simple URL structure for your website that is also intuitive. The URL can also be helpful for users of your site, so by looking at this, they can know where they are and what they should be looking at on your site.

WooCommerce is an excellent platform you can use to sell products online, but if you want to make your business better, paying attention to the SEO of your site is vital. If you do not already have a digital agency you partner with, look for one today and take your business to the next level through your digital online marketing.

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