3 Bad Tech Habits That Can Be Hurting Your Productivity

Technology is wonderful in so many different ways. It can add a lot of value to our lives; however, it can also be a double-edged sword. Its usage can become a problem, and many people don’t even fully realize it. In this article, you will learn about several habits that people can develop from using technology that could be hampering your ability to focus and be productive.

1. Social Media Overuse

Staying connected to people is easier than ever with smartphones and having reliable internet just about anywhere, and while this is something that does improve society in many ways, it can also be harmful.

It can feel like a compulsion for many people to click on that social media app and scroll through it at regular time intervals even though they know that most likely, nothing’s changed on the feed. However, not being able to access it also has the ability to affect one’s mood.

While not everyone is by any means is at risk of social media addiction, it can still be overused, and you might find yourself using these platforms more than you’d like. In addition, browsing through them could be taking time away from other activities that should warrant your full attention.

2. Online Activity Before Bedtime

Online activity before bedtime

Some people might argue that people don’t have any other responsibilities than to relax before going to bed, and being online is a way to wind down. However, it might actually be having the opposite effect, especially on how you feel the following day.

The screen you’re looking at is stimulating your brain, and it can affect your sleep quality, which then hampers your productivity. If you don’t have good quality rest, you can feel sluggish and unmotivated to do what you need to do for a given day.

A lot of people browse the web, and it cuts into the amount of time they have to sleep when in reality, people should shut off their devices around an hour before it’s time to get some shut-eye. Although this can be a tough habit to break, practicing good sleep hygiene can make a significant difference in how you feel every single day.

3. Getting Distracted During Work & School

Getting distracted during work

Remote work has become extremely commonplace in recent times, and being able to do so from the comfort of your own home can have a lot of benefits to your mental health. However, it can also be easy to get too comfortable and succumb to the temptation to use technology in a way that’s not productive.

Like social media, things like YouTube, video games, movies, and TV shows are just a click away, and getting engrossed in them can interfere with your ability to get things done as efficiently as you can.

The issue doesn’t necessarily need to be limited to working from home, though. It can also apply to people who still have a workplace elsewhere. Even students can get distracted from completing homework or their studies at home or even in the classroom.

How Can You Break These Habits

Overcoming habits related to the use of technology primarily has to do with how you manage your time and tech usage, and like other bad habits, it does take a certain amount of willpower to be successful.

For example, if social media and YouTube are consistently holding you back, you’ll need to limit your use of these things proactively.

However, you can still use technology to help you be more productive by planning and organizing your day. This can help you designate when you need to focus and when your free time is. When you’re not working, you can use technology as you please.

You can also look into professional assistance to help you learn additional strategies to replace bad habits with good ones. You may even have some other patterns that aren’t necessarily tech-related that are hard to overcome by yourself, such as smoking, overeating, and swearing, to name a few examples.

To start creating healthier and more productive habits, visit BetterHelp today. Here, you can find additional resources regarding habits and connect to a licensed professional who can successfully guide you to break even the most burdensome habits in your life.


The first step to beating bad habits is by recognizing them, and if you struggle with technology usage, chances are, it’s one of these pervasive issues. Once you realize where there is a problem, it’s much easier to find practical solutions, and hopefully, you’ll start taking those steps to begin replacing unhelpful behaviors with ones that are genuinely beneficial.

Marie Miguel

Author Bio:
Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health-related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

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