Mobile voice recording is great incorporation in business. Call recording software saves voice calls, including digital and analog, into an audio file that may be played again, shared, analyzed, and stored. Digital calls involve calls made through the internet using a digital call, often known as voice over internet protocol (VoIP). On the other hand, traditional calls are calls made via cellular/ sim calls. A call recording software may contain functions such as call logging, tracking, saving, sharing, and playing, in addition to recording a phone call. Call recordings are beneficial to organizations and are most particularly useful to sales representatives.
Call recordings assist them tremendously in all aspects of sales, including taking notes during calls, analyzing their game video, and resolving disagreements. The essential thing is to learn from and improve on other team reps. Moreover, you don’t have to ask prospects to keep repeating themselves or have difficulty following contact due to accents or background noise with voice recordings. Therefore, incorporating voice recordings in your business will make every call count, and you will not lose any information.
As a manager, call recordings are necessary to help you monitor your team’s performance and uncover additional coaching opportunities using call recording software. Also, you may point out each rep’s flaws or strengths, provide comments, and assist them with a better sales technique by listening to the recordings.
Below listed is a review of some of the best mobile voice recording solutions

Best Recording Solutions for Android
Salestrail is a call-logging software designed to let small to organized sales teams keep track of mobile conversations without using VoIP or CTI.
The system includes analytics, a cloud-based dashboard, and smartphone software that automatically sends sim and WhatsApp calls to the dashboard. The salestrail call recording function makes it simple to capture sales discussions with both automatic and manual recording modes.Cube ACR
Cube ACR is a call recording program developed by a third party for Android users. The program can record cellular and VoIP calls, including Skype, Viber, Telegram, WeChat, LINE, Slack, Hangouts, etc. Cube ACR has surprisingly high recording quality for such a simple tool, and you can hear all sides of the discussion. Shake your phone to indicate a significant point of the discussion, and Cube ACR will highlight that section of the call so it’s easier to discover afterward.
Best Recording Solutions for iPhone
Rev Call Recorder
Rev Call Recorder is a free iPhone call recording software. This is an essential and uncomplicated call recording system that can be used for personal and corporate purposes.TapeACall Pro
TapeACall makes it simple to record calls that you’re currently on or going to make. When you’re finished, the recordings appear immediately, ready to share or store. Additionally, TapeACall makes it simple to share and maintain recordings by storing them both on your phone and offering you a private web link to your recordings. It’s more convenient to share, or you may save your recording to your computer or upload it to a cloud storage service.
In conclusion, many mobile voice recording solutions are prevalent today. Mentioned above are some of the few best ones.