The Joint Entrance Examination-Main (JEE Main) conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) is quite the hard exam to crack considering the amount of competition you get. The famous exam gives aspiring engineers and architects the golden chance to study over 31 courses at some of India’s best NITs (National Institute of Technology) along with many other colleges. It also serves as the basis for preliminary selection for a student to give the JEE Advanced examination.
It is only natural that a student would be stressed out by the amount of competition that they will receive when giving this paper, almost 12 lakh students give the paper every year. However, that number has gone down to 7 lakhs in 2021, but that does not mean that the competition is going to be any less tough. The exam is held a whopping four times in a year from the month of January to May. To make matters more bleak for aspirants, a very well-known fact about this exam is that out of the lakhs of students that apply for this exam, only the below 1 percent of students get where they want to be after giving the exam (it is no wonder that JEE Main is considered one of the toughest exams to crack in India).
Acing the JEE Main paper possible, and all it takes is hard work, perseverance and determination from the student themselves to achieve a seat in India’s most prestigious architecture and engineering courses. Of course, preparation for any exam is important, and that specially applies to JEE Main paper too, aspirants have to take special note of this. There are certain tips that an aspirant can follow in order to crack the JEE Main paper. Below are some suggested tips that an aspirant can utilize in order to get themselves one step ahead of others and ace the JEE Main exam.
- Mental preparation- This is a pretty basic advice, but it is of utmost importance. Aspirants preparing themselves for a nerve-wrecking examination like JEE Main will have to mentally prepare themselves to ace the exam. The definition of mental preparation is very broad, but there are some aspects which stand out. Aspirants must have a belief in themselves that they can ace the exam, starting preparations with the idea that one isn’t good enough is a common mistake that aspirants make. Mental preparation can also come from constant support from friends and family, the support from peers can help aspirants keep going on and inspire them to study to their full potential.
- Setting goals- Aspirants must set goals, once they meet that goal they should set another one and this must keep going on until the day of the examination. Setting goals and achieving them is one of the most efficient methods of studying because it helps the aspirant have a sense of achievement, this in turn inspires them to study more. This tip goes hand in hand with having a neat and strict timetable, and it only makes sense to make one for an exam like JEE Main. A proper timetable can help an aspirant manage their time as well as set goals to achieve within a specific timeframe, an absence of formality and uniformity in studying will only end up leaving the aspirant confused.
- Understanding the pattern of examination- The JEE Main syllabus is pretty big, and going into an examination without knowing its layout is one of the biggest mistakes made by aspirants giving JEE Mains exam. Knowing the pattern of the exam is important to another tip, creating a study plan, and knowing the pattern ultimately helps the aspirant give their answers smoothly. For JEE Mains- Paper 1 will include 90 questions out of which 72 can be attempted, Paper 2A (for B.Arch. courses) will include 82 questions out of which 77 can be attempted, Paper 2B will have 105 questions out of which 100 can be attempted, and Paper 2A & 2B allows aspirants to give 5 out of 10 questions.
- Perseverance- Aspirants studying for JEE Main have to understand that success does not come overnight, and the same goes for knowledge. An exam like JEE Main is a very demanding examination, and preparing for such an exam requires the willpower and strength to study despite the difficulties and obstacle that come in the way of preparation. Lakhs of Indians from all over the country are preparing for the JEE Main exam, and if an aspirant lacks even a little bit in terms of effort then they will be in a disadvantage as there will be thousands of other aspiring candidates who would’ve put in the extra work which could ensure their place in the 1% of aspirants who make it through the examination.
- Revision- Revision is an important aspect of studying for JEE Main. All the hard work and effort put into studying each and every concept for the examination goes to waste if the aspirant does not want to revise their studies. Revision also means to look back at previous year’s JEE Main papers and practice them again and again until their timing and precision is perfect. There are other forms of revising too, aspirants can keep giving mock tests so that they can familiarize themselves with the pattern of the examination. Another efficient way of revising is making notes of important formulas as well as equations, which can come in handy when trying to get information from the back of your head.
JEE Main is a very important exam for getting into prestigious engineering universities like IIT Delhi, IIT Kharagpur as well as the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research. Getting seats in universities like these are a dream for many, and that dream can come through hard work and determination.
Aspirants using the above suggested tips will be able to efficiently study and prepare for the JEE Main exams with no worries, that is if they follow them. The Syllabus for JEE Main conducted by the NTA is quite big, but these huge challenges can be overcome with proper usage of the above tips.
JEE-Main image by Shilpa Yadav on Flickr.