How Technology is Changing Care for Senior Assisted Homes

How Technology is Changing Care for Senior Assisted Homes

Compared to before, people are now more inclined towards improving health and activity levels. There has been more focus on the need to improve lifestyle to enhance independence and quality of life as people age.

In the current age, smart systems have proven to be quite useful for elders and their caretakers to achieve healthy lifestyle goals. For example, fitness technologies have helped seniors keep themselves fit and keep their weight in check.

Let’s have a look at some of the most important tech solutions for senior living.

Voice Activated Devices

Now you can see many voice-activated artificial intelligence systems like Alexa from Amazon, Siri from Apple, and Google Assistant from Google Home. These systems have made their way into many homes which has made lives much easier than before.

Seniors already have a hard time getting some things done in their normal routine, and this technology can make things simpler. Falls and injuries are quite common among seniors, and they may not have enough time to reach a wall-mounted call button. So, voice-activated commands can help reach and alert nursing stations that an adult needs help.

Another way to ensure communication between residents and staff is by installing effective call systems.

Sensor-Based Lighting Options

Senior assisted living homes should have adequately lit spaces. It can help avoid accidents and falls by avoiding obstacles. Lighting options have revolutionized over the past years. Now motion sensors and wireless stick options are available to light up dim areas in long hallways, deep closets, and stairways. Another great tech tool is the touch lamps which do not need to be turned on and off with a regular switch. It is beneficial for seniors who struggle with arthritis or loss of muscle flexibility.

Monitoring Health Conditions with Wearables

By using smartwatches and fitness trackers, people can monitor their heart condition and much more. Nurses and assistants can help keep an eye on the health condition of seniors by monitoring heart and respiratory rates, sleep quality, oxygen saturation, and body temperature.

Such devices can also help caregivers track elders with a GPS in case they get lost in a new location. It makes it ideal to monitor seniors even remotely.

Virtual Training Tools

To deal with patients with chronic and difficult health conditions of the seniors, caretakers need to be empathetic and compassionate. Conditions like Alzheimer’s make daily routine tasks difficult for older adults and it’s hard to imagine what they go through.

With the help of virtual training tools, caregivers and nurses can help train and enable them to understand their conditions. By using virtual reality tools, caregivers can experience which helps improve communication and quality of service.

Medical Assistance

It is common among seniors to misuse prescription drugs because of a medical community that is quick to offer narcotic painkillers and anxiety medicines for everything from joint pain to depression. The problem is also how the drugs are issued.

It is important to help seniors manage their current prescription medications to manage their health better. Certain pill boxes are now available with alarms. It allows seniors to know exactly which pill they need to take and when is the right time. It also sends signals like text messages to let the seniors know that it’s time to take their medications.

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