5 DevOps Practices You Can Implement Today to Improve Your Workflow

Did you know that in a Redgate Software poll, it was shown that 80% of participants thought DevOps had a good effect on their company’s capacity to satisfy customer expectations?


To keep updated one needs to know and follow the latest DevOps trends and practices. And hence, let’s have a closer look at its practices.


The DevOps methodology integrates software development (Dev) with IT operations (Ops) to support the quick and ongoing distribution of high-quality software applications.

To make sure that teams working on software development and IT operations collaborate, automate, and monitor, DevOps techniques put a strong emphasis on these three areas. This strategy strongly focuses on the value of collaboration and coordination between the development, QA, and operations teams, in addition to a continuous feedback loop that improves the software delivery workflow.

Did You Know

According to a survey conducted by DORA, companies that invest in DevOps methods experience a 21% increase in speed-to-market, a 50% decrease in time devoted to unplanned work plus rework, and a 3x decrease in change failure rates.

Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), infrastructure as code (IaC), and automated testing and deployment constitute some core DevOps fundamentals. By putting these strategies into effect, businesses can speed up the development and deployment of software, enhance the caliber of their applications, and react more swiftly to changing consumer and market demands.

Accelerate Your Workflow: 5 Essential Practices

Prepare to blast off with DevOps practices once you’ve had a quick glimpse of the brief overview of DevOps! This section will guide you through exploring five fundamental DevOps techniques that can improve teamwork, accelerate the delivery of high-quality software, and streamline workflow.

Put your seatbelt on, and let’s begin!

5 DevOps Practices You Can Implement Today to Improve Your Workflow 1

1. Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is a DevOps technique that automatically integrates updated code into a shared repository.

This procedure ensures that each code modification is tested and verified, preventing possible flaws from compounding and creating issues later in the development process.

Software development teams can gain a variety of advantages from CI, such as:

  • Early bug and problem discovery enable resolution before fixing becomes more challenging and pricey.
  • Thanks to the more frequent merging of their code modifications, enhanced developer cooperation allows them to work together more productively.
  • A higher level of assurance in the software’s quality because every modification is automatically evaluated and approved before being incorporated into the shared source.
  • Faster feedback cycles allow programmers to locate issues more rapidly, fix them, and get feedback on their modifications.

A continuous integration server capable of automatically establishing, testing, and authenticating code changes is necessary to integrate CI into your workflow.

2. Continuous Delivery

Software development teams may automate the procedure of deploying software to production in a trustworthy and secure manner, thanks to the DevOps approach known as Continuous Delivery (CD). A continuous delivery pipeline is used, swiftly creating, testing, and releasing code updates to live environments.

Software development teams gain a variety of advantages from CD, including:

  • Faster time-to-market: CD permits teams to distribute software updates quicker, enabling them to react more swiftly to ever-shifting company objectives and customer demands.
  • Lesser errors: A reduction in the likelihood of errors and issues is achieved by ensuring that code updates are extensively tested and validated before being released to production.
  • Reduced downtime: CD decreases the rest that comes with software releases by streamlining the deployment method to lower the chance of human mistakes.
  • Increased collaboration: CD promotes interaction among the development and operations teams, allowing them to collaborate more successfully and produce high-quality software.

Setting up a continuous delivery pipeline that automates creating, testing, and delivering code changes is necessary to integrate CD into your workflow.

This pipeline must incorporate automated testing, security checks, and additional QA procedures to guarantee that every release is secure and dependable.

3. Infrastructure as Code

DevOps concept known as “Infrastructure as Code” (IaC) is controlling and supplying infrastructure resources using code instead of manual procedures. Establishing and configuring infrastructure could be automated, making managing and maintaining large-scale settings simpler.

Software development teams gain a variety of advantages from IaC, including:

  • Increased speed and efficiency: Teams can quickly supply and configure infrastructure resources thanks to IaC, which cuts down on the time and work needed to manage and maintain environments.
  • Improved consistency: IaC lowers the possibility of configuration drift and additional problems by specifying infrastructure resources via code, ensuring that environments remain accurate and reproducible.
  • Greater scalability: Teams may scale infrastructure resources either upward or downward with the help of IaC in response to shifting business demands and needs.
  • Increased collaboration: As a shared, version-controlled source of truth for infrastructure configuration, IaC allows teams to collaborate more successfully.

You must use a configuration language like YAML or JSON to set up infrastructure resources in code if you want to integrate IaC into your workflow. It is, therefore, simple to manage and maintain because this code may be version-controlled and kept in the exact location of your application code.

4. Microservices

A massive application is divided into smaller, autonomous bits called microservices as part of the microservices architecture used in software development. Each microservice is created to carry out a particular operation or function, and they all interact with one another via APIs. Teams can create and deploy apps swiftly and easily because of this.

Microservices offer several advantages, including:

  • Scalability: Microservices may be dynamically scaled to cope with fluctuating demand, enabling teams to add or withdraw resources quickly and effortlessly as required.
  • Resilience: Teams can reduce the effects of failures or faults by dividing an application into smaller parts, thereby making it simpler to manage system accessibility and uptime.
  • Agility: Microservices give teams more freedom as well as speed when creating and deploying new functionality, allowing them to react more swiftly to customers and the business’s evolving requirements.
  • Improved collaboration: Collaboration is increased thanks to microservices, which reduce dependencies and communication overhead by establishing explicit boundaries among elements and services.
  • Enhanced performance: Teams can work more effectively and efficiently by using microservices that have been tuned for particular tasks or operations.

5. Monitoring and Logging

DevOps procedures such as monitoring and logging entail monitoring and evaluating system behavior to guarantee optimum performance and spot potential problems or faults.

System metrics like CPU use, memory usage, network traffic, and application response times are tracked immediately as part of monitoring. Teams can quickly discover performance bottlenecks and additional issues, so they may address them before they adversely affect users or clients.

System logs and other data are gathered and analyzed as part of logging to find potential faults or issues that may have happened in the past. This makes it possible for teams to look into and identify concerns that real-time monitoring might not have picked up on and to take corrective action to stop them from happening again.

Among the advantages of monitoring and logging are the following:

  • Improved performance: Teams may initiate remedial action to boost the system’s efficiency and guarantee a great user experience by tracking system metrics and spotting performance bottlenecks or additional problems instantaneously.
  • Enhanced dependability: Teams can find potential difficulties or faults and take measures to stop them from recurring again in the future by logging system data and reviewing historical events.
  • Enhanced security: Teams may quickly and efficiently identify and react to possible security risks by monitoring system behavior and examining system logs.
  • Better visibility: Teams can obtain better visibility of system performance and behavior through monitoring and logging system behavior. This gives teams the information they need to make educated decisions about the architecture of their systems and how to use their resources.
  • Improved collaboration: Collaboration is enhanced when monitoring and logging are used as a single source of truth regarding system behavior and performance. This helps teams work more effectively and efficiently together.

Supercharge Your Workflow With DevOps Expertise

DevOps knowledge may revolutionize your software development processes by enabling you to create durable, successful, and productive systems that can adapt to changing user and consumer demands. By implementing core DevOps concepts, you may streamline your operations, lower error rates, and produce software more quickly and consistently than ever.

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