How-to Find Contact Email of Any Blog/Site Owner

Wanna inform a website owner of a problem?
Wanna report about copyright violations?
Wanna ask some queries or report a bug! or
You may want to contact a blog owner for a link exchange.

Whatever may be the case, if the blog/site doesn’t have a contact form or Webmasters e-mail specified, it is a difficult task to reach them.

But now with the help of CTOWNER.COM you can find the contact email of any self hosted blog/site owner. CTOwner allows you to find a webmasters email via the Whois records that all domain names must have. It also provides you a quick and easy form to contact that site owner.

-> First type the URL of the webmaster you want to contact in the blue box at the top of the site and Then click ‘Go And Contact Webmaster’
Contact that owner
-> Then You will be getting a contact form with the ‘To address’ filled with email id of the site owner that is used during domain registration along with other fields to mention your identity details and send the message.

Here is the snapshot of the contact form resulted from searching the contact email of webmaster contact Bloggersbase site owner

From the day I came to know about this contact site, it helped me a lot to directly contact the webmasters. So I thought of sharing this with you.

Note: Don’t use this to send spam messages.

5 thoughts on “How-to Find Contact Email of Any Blog/Site Owner”

  1. Nice to hear from you…with ctowner you can find contact email of only self hosted blog/site. It the blog/site is a free hosted one or under a subdomain like blogspot it doesn’t work. Ctowner only finds the email id with which the blog/site is registered searching the whois records. So, in all cases you may not end up in finding the personal email id of the blog owner. It all depends on the email id with which he/she has registered the domain.Hope this helps..

  2. hi, i found your post hoping to help me get a contact email for some blog i needed to contact. I tried ctowner. It said “We’ve found an email!” but the “Contact the email:” field is not populated with the email ID of the person that owns the blog. Do you perhaps know why is that or is there any fix to that?

    Thank you in advance

  3. I want to contact Tony, owner of and want to request him to send him an invite to his blog. I tried ur way but was unsuccessful and also have read ur comment y i didn’t get his email id. Is there any other way to contact him , i have his profile ID but on his profile there is no contact details.Please help me.

  4. @Anil better go to his blog included in the profile and find his twitter or facebook profile and contact him. You can either send a msg on facebook or DM or send @ msg on twitter. Note that this is method doesn’t work with blogspot blogs as they are not self hosted.

  5. This is an useful information about How-to Find Contact Email of Any Blog/Site Owner.You can also find the Blog/Site owner Email by using the site using Whois search tools.

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