Search Multiple Search Engines For Results @All- In-One WebSearch

All-In-One WebSearch is a freeware published by that can search multiple engines like Goolge, Yahoo & MSN for results for the search term you have entered, just with a single click of your mouse. It also has the options to search dictionary sites for word definitions, encyclopedia based sites for factual information, or search for a Bit Torrent file you wanted.

Whatever may be your search requirements, All-In-One WebSearch is a simple solution that makes your search experience on multiple search engines easier than ever before! And the best thing is that you can minimize All-In-One WebSearch to tray, such that it runs in the background, occupying no space on your desktop, and using no system resourcesminimize All-In-One WebSearch to tray All you have to do is to ‘simply enter the search term in the textbox provided and click on any button to search the term using the selected service which opens the results in your default browser.Search Multiple Search Engines For Results With All-In-One WebSearch
This freeware is just 312KB in size and supports Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2003 and Windows XP.

Click Here To Download All-In-One WebSearch Setup

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