Take World Food Programme Hunger Crisis Quiz – Feed a Child

The three basic needs of every human being on earth are food, clothing and shelter. It is rather sad to know that even in 21st century the very first basic need is not yet met for millions of people worldwide and they sleep in hunger each day. It is estimated that there are close to one billion hungry people in the world.

World Food Programme Fighting Hunger Worldwide

So, with the main motto of fighting this hunger worldwide, World Food Programme has launched a short hunger emergency quiz online and for every person who takes this quiz, a child will be fed.

As you may already know, the voluntarily funded World Food Programme is part of the United Nations agency and is considered to be the world’s largest humanitarian agency that is fighting hunger worldwide. To Show your helping hand in fighting hunger worldwide and support WFP, take hunger emergency IQ test now @ http://gifts.wfp.org/quiz/crisis and forget not to spread the word!

Take World Food Programme Hunger Crisis Quiz - Feed a Child 1

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