Tips for Choosing a Toll Free Number Provider

Business owners can give their company’s image a lift with the use of toll free numbers, including those with 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, and 844 prefixes. Also, toll free vanity numbers give an even more substantial boost. Toll free number feature benefits include giving a brand the mark of success, facilitating the ability to offer exceptional customer service, choosing an easy-to-remember vanity number, and having a single number for both voice and fax communications. The benefits of using a toll free number are undeniable and important and so is the process in selecting a toll free number provider. Here is a quick rundown of each of the benefits, as well as some tips for choosing a toll free number provider:

Apple Support Toll Free Number 1-855-887-0097
Toll Free Number | Photo Credits: Flickr

Marking the Business’ Brand with Success

With the use of a toll free number, a company is able to instantly establish a nationwide presence. This builds customer brand loyalty. Also, offering a toll free number with prefixes of either 800, 888, 877, 866, 855 or 844 make it easy for a customer or prospective customer to reach the company without incurring a fee for the call. Customers and all other business contacts appreciate this, as it’s a clear sign that their call is so important to the business that the business is willing to cover the costs related to the calls. Adding additional toll free numbers for employees, various departments, remote office locations, and dedicated fax numbers are other options that help to mark a business’ brand with success.

Top of the Line Customer Service

There are many aspects involved in delivering top of the line customer service. One of those aspects revolves around being available to your customers. Particularly for smaller, less established businesses, the chances of missing a call may go up as those running the company are often required to be out of the office for various reasons. With a toll free number, a business owner never has to miss an important call again, even during a fax transmission. Calls made to a toll free number can be routed/ forwarded to anywhere in the world. With toll free number provider, Global Call Forwarding, for example, a business owner simply has to set their feature up for call forwarding. Calls made to the business’ toll free number will automatically be forwarded to the business owner’s smartphone when they are traveling or to any other office location or device the calls are set to forward to.

One of the most critical tips for choosing a toll free virtual phone number provider is to look at the features offered by the provider and, with the mindset focused on the future growth potential of the business, select a provider that will be able to facilitate the accomplishment of future goals of the business. Global Call Forwarding offers toll free numbers, the call forwarding feature, and a simple-to-manage online control panel for accessing and setting up the use of these features.

Vanity Numbers

If a business owner opts for a vanity toll free number, this can help to expand the brand’s visibility. If the number is catchy, easy to remember, and clearly defines what the company offers, chances are high that the vanity number alone will prove to be an extremely valuable marketing tool. Another one of the most important tips for choosing a toll free number provider is to make sure that the company uses flexible search options and has access to a large inventory of numbers. Vanity numbers make it easy for customers and prospective customers to remember the number and ultimately increase the company’s marketing effectiveness.

When contemplating the purchase of a toll free number, examining the many benefits of using a toll free number for business, and scanning through tips for choosing a toll free number provider, it is easy to see why it is a wise decision to use a toll free number for business. It is also easy to see why Global Call Forwarding is among the top international virtual number providers offering toll free numbers to businesses of all sizes and types with a vision to encourage the growth and success of each and every business served.

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