How to Set Up a Study Area For Kids At Home

Studying is serious work, and kids often need their own dedicated space where they can focus, learn, and concentrate on the task at hand. Their space should be comfortable and easy to use — but that’s not always simple to achieve.

Study Area For Kids At Home

Find The Space

Ideally, the space you choose for your child’s study area should be comfortable and free of distractions. It can be in their room if needed, but it’s best not to do so, as it could make it difficult to separate sleep and rest from schoolwork. The space should be comfortable enough to relax, but not so comfortable they can’t stay alert.

Making Room

A kids’ study area can be small, but make sure there’s room for collaboration. You may need to work together on some projects, or they may want to sit together with siblings or classmates occasionally. So there should be enough room for more than one person to sit at the study space.

Privacy and Noise

Consider the balance between giving kids a private, quiet space to get their work done and their maturity level. Some kids aren’t ready to get access to computers and electronic devices on their own, but they should be able to work quietly. A room that’s close to the main living area and easy to peek in on now and then may be a good choice.

Tech Needs

If your child hasn’t needed a computer yet, they probably will soon. A computer area, whether it’s for a laptop or a desktop, can offer a dedicated space where kids know they plug in, can get online, and do their work.

Storage Space

Kids will generally need a place to put their backpack, current assignment, and more. Make sure they have storage space, including file folders where they can keep important papers as needed. They’ll also need space for school supplies, such as crayons, pencils, paper, and post it notes.


Study spaces should be well lit, whether that’s with natural light or a few well placed lamps or light fixtures. Consider task lighting, too, so kids can easily illuminate whatever they’re reading or working on.

Bring in Nature and Inspiration

Form may be an afterthought to function when it comes to study spaces, but a space that’s nice to work in can encourage kids to make the most of it. Bring in house plants, natural materials like a wood desk, and colors that stimulate imagination and learning. Consider inspirational decals or framed art that can remind kids to stay on task and do their best work.

Keep it Simple

If you don’t have the space for a dedicated study area, or your kids just aren’t ready for it, you could set up a homework caddy. With a homework caddy, you can keep supplies and filing handy, but can also easily roll it away when you’re done. For example, kids can take the caddy to the kitchen table, their bedroom, even the living room, so they can work wherever they feel comfortable.

Or, if you want a dedicated space but don’t have enough room to leave a desk out all day and night, a floating desk and folding chair could be useful. A floating desk folds back up into the wall when kids are done working, and the chair can be folded up and put away, too.

Put some thought into your child’s study space. Make sure they have the room and environment they need to focus and do their best. But keep in mind that the right study environment can take many forms, so consider what you have to work with at home, as well as your child’s needs when creating their study space.

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