How to Streamline Your Wi-Fi Network’s Security?

How to Streamline Your Wi-Fi Network’s Security?

We have all been there. At least once in our lifetime, our Wi-Fi security gets compromised since it is prone to a myriad of vulnerabilities, and being layman, we usually don’t have the know-how of network security or consequences of its breach, for that matter.

Companies and households go to a great extent in order to keep their Wi-Fi network secure from freeloading users. However, they don’t realize that their home network is a tempts cybercriminals as well.

It’s quite tough to steal bandwidth with the traditional wired network. However, your modern wireless network is easily accessible by anyone, even someone residing in a neighbouring building or in a car outside your place.

This unauthorized access to your network could increase your internet bill and decrease your internet speeds; moreover, you can have to face some terrible consequences when a particularly malicious individual gets control of your computers via your wireless network.

So it’s highly essential that you take steps to secure your wireless network to prevent any such potentially harmful repercussions.

1. A Safe Name for Your Wi-Fi Network

Your Wi-Fi network comes with a default name i.e. SSID (Service Set Identifier), which gives hackers an indication of what sort of router you are utilizing. Subsequently, a hacker could identify the manufacturer and model of the router and exploit its vulnerabilities.

Never input information such as your name, router model, manufacturer, your phone number, address, apartment number, birth date, etc. as your Wi-Fi name for network SSID since this sort of private information could make you vulnerable to identity theft.

Even a provocative SSID such as get off my LAN, FBI surveillance van, virus-infected Wi-Fi, etc. could incite a hacker to make you a target.

2. Keep a Strong Password

The first thing you should do upon acquiring your wireless router is to change its password. As the router comes with a default password and SSID, any sly individual could guess your password particularly when they know the manufacturer.

For a strong password, it’s recommended that it should be of 20 characters, and must include different uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

3. Enable Network Encryption

Wireless encryption protocols help protect the information being sent and received on a wireless network. There are multiple encryption languages for your networking security protocol i.e. WEP, WPA, and WPA2. WPA2 is an upgrade on the other two and the current industry standard.

So make sure your WPA2 encryption is activated on your router so that your network is secure. If you utilize TP-Link wireless router, it will require a different approach.

There’s a new wireless network security standard in town i.e. WPA3. The latest security protocol is going to eliminate security issues related to open Wi-Fi networks. The concomitant enhanced security and features will streamline your network security.

If you are unsure of how to go about the security protocol, ISPs like Spectrum offer great help in ensuring your network security. Just dial Spectrum customer service number Dallas and get help.

4. Disallow Remote Access

A router lets you make use of their interface only via a connected device. However, there are some that offer remote accessibility.

By turning off the remote access, no one will be able to gain access to the privacy settings of your router from a remote device, which is not a part of your wireless network.

5. Switch off When Not in Use

It is recommended that you switch off your wireless home network, particularly when you are unavailable for an extended period of time.

Furthermore, disable all those devices that utilize an Ethernet cable too since it reduces the chances of your network being accessed by malicious actors in your absence.

6. Location Matters

As you know that people even sitting in a car outside your home can access Wi-Fi signals, so where your Wi-Fi router is located can also impact your security.

An ideal location to place your Wi-Fi router will be in the middle of your home or as close as you can get to the middle. Avoid placing your router near windows.

7. More Passwords

Your Wi-Fi router comes with a default administrator password when you access the ISPs online site or platform, where you can see a number of settings and information related to the network.

Most of the people end up setting their username and password to the clichéd ‘admin,’ which anyone can guess in a second.

Therefore, ensure you change your default credentials to strong and unique ones immediately.

The Takeaway

Before you think that the issue of your network security is trivial, know that it is not. Malicious actors are like sharks, and when they smell blood, you are gone. These hackers and cybercriminals will always find a way to exploit your private data for their own benefit. It would be better to not give them a chance or make it harder for them to accomplish such a feat.

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