5 Easy Steps to Boost Your SEO Traffic

5 Easy SEO Tips to Boost Your Website  Traffic.

Everyone, including bloggers, wants a larger piece of the pie when it comes to Google ranking. The exciting thing is people focus more on keywords and end up stuffing their content. What they forget is other considerations can also boost the search engine optimization traffic on their website. If you are not sure, what you should do, there are affordable SEO services of experts who can advise you more on methods to take, to avoid higher bounce rates, get top ranks, and have more users in your website. We will reveal some tactics you can use like a professional, and enhance your SEO traffic, below.

Step 1. Optimize the Speed of Your Website

It should be the first step worth checking before you proceed with other activities. Find out if your site is efficient to users, or it needs optimization. Are users sticking around your site and enjoying your content? Or the loading speed is driving them away? When you get that info, take action, and fix the problem.

There is a myriad of tools you can use, such as HubSpot SEO, Ahref, Yoast SEO and Rank Math SEO. Otherwise, Bing or Google will use a ranking algorithm that would see your site begging for mercy. They will help you to increase your search engine optimization.

Step 2. Offer Quality Content

Poor content puts people off. If you are blogging, use creativity to make your story captivating. Choose a sensible and classic tale that won’t bore the readers. Visitors don’t tolerate spammy content. It can also put you in trouble when it comes to SEO ranking. Strive for quality work. Remember, good things sell quickly, while bad ones will give you a hell of a time. It will cost you. Consistent writing of remarkable articles engages your users and keeps them coming back. It also increases their dwell time, which boosts your SEO traffic.

Step 3. Google Analytics

It is a tool that lets you find out where your target audience is. You will be able to know the most searched keyword by the visitors, which then helps you to fine-tune your content and give them what they need. Consider your visitors more than the search engine, and it will automatically come naturally. The whole essence is to offer relevant information and compelling articles, thus boosting your organic traffic.

Step 4. Mobile Optimization

If your site is still not mobile-optimized in this era, wake up and smell the coffee! According to experts, 77% of executives use smartphones to do their online searches. Don’t lag; keep up with SEO trends, and boost your website’s traffic. As of 2015, Google started penalize sites that are not mobile optimized. So, you also risk a low score from them, not to mention the conversion rate and user experience. Affordable SEO services can assist you with this.

Step 5. Social Sharing

Social Media Sharing, Social Media Marketing.

Can’t emphasize enough the impact of social sharing links. If you haven’t tried this on your website, then you need to install social sharing buttons such as ShareThis, SumoMe, and Shareaholic so your website visitors can start using them for your benefit. The minute your content spreads across multiple social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, your website becomes popular and gains higher SEO traffic.

Research done shows that 43% of those using social media, purchased products after liking a shared content or tweet. That puts you on a higher Google rank, skyrocketing your sales too.

Meta Description

I read many articles say that Google no longer uses meta descriptions for search engine ranking, but it’s good to know that they don’t ignore them too. Adding meta descriptions help search engines like Google better display your website content in relevant searches.

Key Things You Need to Ask Yourself About Your Website?

What is a Good Website?
  • Efficiency: Does your website provide the needs of a user when they open it? Do they get the satisfaction they are looking for, without delays? In case they need to get in touch with you, are they able to? Review this consistently.
  • Performance: It goes along with efficiency. It has to do with your page speed. Are your users enjoying the time they are spending on your site? They should be able to accomplish their mission timely. Don’t give them a reason to navigate away from your website. The more they stay, the better. It will warrant you good SEO ranks plus other benefits.
  • User Friendly: Do users find it complicated when navigating your website? Do you have a well-structured page that one can easily find out what they need? Are your visitors clicking around on your website and viewing multiple pages? These are some of the tests you need to try on your website to ensure your user experience is on point.
  • Return Visitors: Those visitors who keep coming back to your site can get you a higher Google rank. How do you ensure that they do? Can they find your website again when they want to? How relevant is the keyword they will use to find your site easily?
  • Error Alerts: Are your visitors encountering errors that make them feel like breaking their computers? As fun as tech is, nothing is frustrating, like broken links and error pages. Users experiencing these may never revisit your site. And you are likely to get penalized by Google for this.

In conclusion, if you have successfully established a website and you are now celebrating? Well, not yet. We don’t mean to rupture your bubble, but a website without search engine optimization traffic is as good as dead. It’s never too late, start with the steps above or hire affordable SEO service guys to help boost your site’s traffic.

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Author Bio:
Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at ebuilderz.com. He is an award winning freelancer and web entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launch their first successful online business.

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