Myths and Truths About Broadband Connections for Gaming


Tech junkies know everything from resolving a technical issue to enhancing the gaming experience. However, if you are not one of the tech junkies, you might not know whether the broadband connection is good for gaming or not.

The majority of people are of the view that to play online games, one needs to have a blazing fast internet. However, it is not the case most of the time. There are plenty of myths revolving around broadband connection – whether or not, will it provide enough speed to play games without glitches. Just call spectrum customer service and a couple of more ISPs to get complete information about their deals. This exercise will give you some fact checks and you won’t end up paying more than what others are paying for an almost same deal from a different provider.

We are here to help you unveil the misconceptions about broadband internet and truths about it. Make sure to read this article until the end, if you are thinking of buying a broadband connection. So let us proceed!

Gaming Needs High-Speed Internet and Enough Bandwidth

The majority of people assume that they need a blazing fast internet to play games without glitches and lags. However, in reality, this is not the only case. Although it is important to have high-speed internet, it also depends on the number of devices and types of activities taking place over the same connection.

To give you a short overview of Bandwidth, it is the highest amount of data that can be transferred at a particular time. In simple words, it is the amount of data that can be transmitted from the internet to your device and back again. Higher bandwidth means that more data can be transmitted.

While most of you might think that more bandwidth means faster internet. However, that is not true – it means that the connection can handle more activities online simultaneously.

In fact, gaming does not need higher bandwidth. If the purpose of your broadband connection is to play games online, you don’t need to have a higher bandwidth in order to play without glitches and lags.

If there are some other people in your house with heavy internet usages like streaming movies and TV shows on Netflix or YouTube, the gaming performance will lag unless you opt for higher bandwidth. The reason is that streaming and downloading requires more data to be transmitted while gaming does not require too much amount of bandwidth.

The question is what really matters when you are gaming online on a broadband connection. Ping rates are highly important for gaming online because it is the speed of the information sent from your device to the game servers and back again. Lower ping rate means faster speed and seamless gameplay.

Gaming Needs More Data

Just like people assume that gaming needs more bandwidth, the same applies to data. If there are multiple gamers playing games simultaneously, you would expect some lag, as common perception. However, the reality is that gaming isn’t data abusive at all. It requires little data and bandwidth, even if multiple people are gaming online. However, if someone starts streaming a video or start downloading a heavy file, you are definitely going to see the difference because both of those activities require huge data.

In short, you don’t require a lot of data for gaming, but if streaming and downloading take place at the same time, you experience is bound to suffer. Therefore, you are good to go with less demanding online activities in the background. Even streaming on lesser resolutions is quite fine.

Glitches in Your Game Can’t Be Fixed

Game lags can be caused by various factors including software and hardware issues or sometimes issues with your connection. Normally it occurs due to the route your Internet Connection is taking to reach the game server. The more optimum the route, the faster the game response will be.

As most of the internet connections are not for gaming purposes only, most ISPs would take a longer route. In case, it comes across congestion, your game performance will lag definitely. It can be fixed by taking the optimal route that can handle congestions. A reliable broadband provider can help you fix the issue. Moreover, by enhancing the quality of broadband, you can not only experience stability but faster speeds and also a connection that can support multiple devices.


If you face lags and stoppage while playing online games, you need to opt for better broadband. Especially, if you live and die for gaming, don’t settle for a bare minimum, rather you should go for the best because you deserve it!

Broadband Photo Credit: Flickr user Gavin St. Ours

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