Why ED-Tech is the Next Big Thing in the Coming Decade?

Ed Tech, Educational Technology.


Education has been a competitive industry from last so many years. Taking that into account, it has increased the competition among young students for their specific education streams. Along with the highly competitive environment, the demand for ED-Tech companies such as Justlearn, tutors and many has been increased in the recent years.

Why ED-Tech is the Next Big Thing?

  1. Easier method

    In this highly technological world, everything is accessible without any hindrance. Therefore, even the students can study along with their jobs, along with their mundane activities. Earlier, teachers were the only source through which students used to get the knowledge, but as of now, the scenario has been completely changed.

  2. Use of machine learning and artificial intelligence

    The classrooms are not teacher-centric, and the students have vivid options to get the information through artificial intelligence and machine learning. Therefore getting information through graphics and audio listening is far better than one teacher always talking about various topics without any live examples and visuals.

  3. Various method of studying

    Now the kids going to school don’t only listen to what their respective teachers tell them to do; instead of that, they listen to the audio-visuals that have become more interesting and fascinating to them. The more the usage of the internet has been freely available to everyone, the easier it has been to find the solution for everything.


The only drawback of teaching students through technology is the lack of interpersonal skills. Along with the knowledge, it is also essential to look after the student’s overall personality.

The more the interaction of students through technology, the lesser the exchange of students with each other, which would automatically lessen the confidence and the communication skills of the students. A person needs to gain knowledge, but it is mandatory to take care of the other traits as well.

Impact on Economy:

Recently many countries announced various policies for online education so that the social distancing would be maintained, and it would be easier for the students to grab the knowledge while sitting at home.

In many countries, one specific TV channel has been opened to get the lectures for students according to the exact time table for various students through which it has helped lakhs of students in many ways.

Because of these new upcoming opportunities and demand, the ED Tech companies have received at a peak stage for profit. Earlier, teachers never used to teach online, but as of the current scenario, it has to be mandatorily done by the teachers to do the job more efficiently.

Therefore, due to tons of benefits, the usage of it also has been increased. In the future, Ed-tech companies are going to change the education system differently because even now, many of the government exams are conducting on online platforms, so the end of these edtech companies is bright.


In the coming decade, ED-Tech is going to be more popular and many students and teachers will shift to ED-Tech. I hope you liked my article on the topic of, Why ED-Tech is the next big thing in the coming decade. Do comment below what you think about ED-Tech.

ED-TECH image by shaharyar on Flickr.

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