5 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Voice Analytics

voice analytics

Every business should consistently have a focus on delivering high levels of customer service. Without this, reputations can quickly become sullied and the public will be reluctant to use products and services provided by them.

However, it’s one thing to assume customers see the brand in a positive light and another to prove this. Awaken’s voice analytics software is one of the best ways contact centres can monitor this, without having to manually listen to and document how customers are feeling.

With the increasing pressure on call agents during high volumes during Covid-19, now more than ever it is crucial to make sure every tool is taken advantage of.

Voice analytics is swiftly becoming one of the most important tools for call centre management and agents and is providing insights into how to improve service across the board.

What Is Voice Analytics?

Originally implemented in 2002, voice analytics has grown and adapted over the years to become more intelligent and prove its worth.

With recognition software, not only can all recorded phone calls be translated into written texts, but words and phrases can be picked up to collate similar conversations, queries and questions into groups.

This allows managers and staff to be able to quickly search through transcripts and structured data for easy insight.

It isn’t just the words that are used, but the tone of voice of a caller can be detected and identified by emotion. Angered or upset customers can be seen with ease and those who have expressed happiness and gratitude can reflect how often callers are being left with exceptional service.

While it’s straightforward for any contact centre to implement this software, without knowing how to utilise it properly, the investment can hastily feel like the wrong one. Below we look at 5 ways to make the most out of voice analytics software.

1. Be Clear With Goals

When installing new software, it’s a common mistake to simply want to track how a business is doing and not be more clear on exactly what is wanted.

Many contact centres use voice analytics to gain insight into how the centre is performing against specific KPIs. Identifying a precise goal will help to apply voice analytics software properly.

Be clear with exactly what is the desired result out of this new software. It could be anything from finding common likes and dislikes from callers with services or perhaps how well agents handle difficult situations and turn them around into increased revenue.

Some businesses may be looking to increase their compliance to reduce the risk of legal consequences, others may be searching for recurring feedback to improve products. With a decisive goal laid out, this will make it easier to use voice analytics to the full potential to reach this goal.

2. Get The Right Staff

New software can often seem daunting to teams and without the proper installation and training, it can be.

Without the right team, getting started with voice analytics can be incredibly difficult. Dedicate a full-time staff member to monitor the new software, if there are no employees who have the skills or confidence to do so, strongly consider onboarding a new starter with experience.

This person can provide full commitment to the process and oversee all actions required to make the most out of voice analytics.

Regular reports can then be provided that are in-depth and show specific actions for managers to take.

3. Choose the Right Supplier

Voice analytics is an ever-growing business and is expanding at a fast rate. When choosing the right vendor, seek one that can expand alongside the business.

A current call centre may be considered small but there is no telling how many agents and customers will need to be looked after in a few years.

Technology is changing at extreme rates and so is the method of communication, social media, emails, live chat and instant messaging is a favoured method of communication by many.

Look for a vendor who allows their voice analytics software to be incorporated with any method of communication.

4. Stick To A Process

Always review procedures before implementing voice analytics software and create a process or strategy to meet goals with this new software.

Construct your process to include what new requirements are needed from agents, any new responsibilities, how to deal with flagged data and who will deal with this and who will make definitive decisions in line with findings.

All these questions need to be answered before going live with voice analytics software.

Once this has been established, stick to it. Changes in procedures, while staff are still getting to grips with new software, can cause confusion and a general negative outlook on the process.

This also ensures full accountability during initial stages and can help to determine any later changes in managing this.

5. Fully Train Everyone Involved

It’s important to train the relevant teams before voice analytics software goes live. Start with training higher-level staff members who can then be responsible for training individuals and teams.

These training sessions should have good structure and tailored into a programme that can be rolled out across the business to keep everything consistent.

It’s important to not overload staff with information, start with the basics and as weeks and months go by, add new training sessions to help expand knowledge and utilise this software to its full potential.

Even after this software becomes second nature to employees, continued training is crucial. The more confident teams are in using it, the more businesses will get out of it.

Add this training into the new-starter inductions and this can even be used during the hiring process to determine if a candidate has the right skills to be able to use this.

Every business wants their customers to be happy and satisfied with their service and voice analytics is one of the best tools to use to help with this. Being aware of what customers needs and wants can help a business stay ahead of competitors and gain more customers and retain current ones.

With a proper understanding of voice analytics, a better understanding of this can be provided, help increase revenue and even reduce demand on call agents.

Also read: 5 Necessary Software Tools to Run Your Business Better

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