Microsoft Update on the Videoconferencing Tool for Mac Users

Videoconferencing Tool for Mac Users

With the updates of Apple regarding its M1 chip, Mac users have greatly benefitted from a better performance on their devices. In light of this update, Microsoft was just right behind them in creating applications that will be compatible with this new operating system.

Several applications have been upgraded and made compatible with the M1 Chip. But for those who use Microsoft Teams a lot, you still have to wait for future updates. This is something that you will definitely look forward to in the future.

Let’s dive into the details.

So Far Yet So Close

Major advancements in technology have changed the way we work. The need for remote setup for working and having connections from different parts of the world is on the rise. In relation to this, the need for instant, on-demand communication has also risen.

And videoconferencing has paved the way for such a setup.

Videoconferencing is one of the best things that happened in the advancement of technology. It allows meetings to take place over the internet. This is through the use of personal devices such as mobile phones and laptops with built-in webcams.

This allows for a more productive and more engaged collaboration without having the need to travel a lot and meet face-to-face. As such, there are a lot of benefits to videoconferencing.

For one, it highly enables your workforce. Irrespective of where they are in the world, video meetings help maintain human connections. This allows for faster decision-making and better collaboration globally.

Furthermore, having workers meet face-to-face will increase productivity. At the same time, it will also lower travel costs. Added to this are a number of features that your company can maximize when it comes to using video conference applications.

When we talk about video conferencing, there are a lot of applications that come to mind. There are some that have been developed and there are still some that are on their way to the drawing table. And one of the most notable applications is the one developed by Microsoft.

Microsoft has been around for quite some time. It has become a staple, particularly in its productivity applications. It has opened a lot of opportunities for users when it comes to efficiency and effectiveness in their work.

In the industry, Microsoft has been keeping up with the competition. The company has been getting a lot of updates when it comes to its products. Highlighted among these is Microsoft 365.

Microsoft 365 is a cloud-based subscription service. This subscription service offers premium versions of the applications that are formerly computer-based. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, and OneDrive are among the applications that were updated with their premium versions.

But since we are talking about video conferencing here, we will be focusing on Microsoft’s version of the application.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is an application that allows collaboration among your team. This will help you stay organized and have conversations – all in one place. This brings everyone closer as anyone can engage anywhere, anytime whether it’s through chat, calls, or video.

It is also easier to work together since all your documents, photos, videos, chat history, and meeting notes are always there.

Microsoft Teams, along with the rest of the suite under Microsoft 365, has been receiving updates left and right. And with the sheer amount of updates, it can be quite a challenge to keep up.

Moreover, these upgrades can be a handful to learn. This is the case even if there are a lot of materials online that could help you such as videos and articles. Keeping up with the trend is the new trend nowadays.

As such, several Microsoft office courses have been developed by experienced professionals to keep you updated with everything that has been happening. These courses can keep you on track with the newest improvements for their applications.

And now that we are talking about updates and upgrades, the one for Mac users is the highlight.

Still in the Works

If you’re in the loop with what’s happening with Apple, you would know that they have recently made a big shift. The transition from using Intel Architecture to using the newest Apple M1 Chip.

The Apple M1 Chip is the latest upgrade in their technology. This upgrade integrates some of the major components of an operating system into a single system on a chip also known as an SoC. This integration highly boosts the system’s function and performance when it comes to simplicity and efficiency.

The use of the Apple M1 Chip opens possibilities not available with former Intel Architecture devices. This gives you greater quality performance and longer battery life for your Apple devices. And many applications have benefitted from this upgrade.

So how does this affect the performance of Microsoft Teams?

Generally, Microsoft Teams can run on any Apple device. With the help of the Rosetta 2 Technology, Intel-supported applications such as Microsoft Teams can freely run on Apple devices. Rosetta 2 Technology does this by translating Intel-based codes into codes that can be processed by the Apple M1 Chip.

The code translation done by Rosetta 2 Technology occurs once. This is when you use the application for the first time. And then, it stores the translated code for future use every time you will be opening the application.

But there is one problem. Unlike other applications that don’t rely on code translations, Microsoft Teams will launch a bit slower on Apple devices.

A recent update from Microsoft will be addressing the problem.

Microsoft was able to immediately adapt to the changes brought about by the release of the Apple M1 Chip. They were able to create and optimize compatible applications after a few months.

These applications will run natively on Apple devices. This means that they will not need assistance from the Rosetta 2 Technology. These applications will run on Apple devices as if they are native applications. Code translations? We don’t need that anymore.

Applications with newer versions include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote. These applications can be directly downloaded from the Apple Store.

But what about Microsoft Teams?

At this time, Microsoft Teams running on Apple devices is still in the works. With the rigors placed in developing the application, it is quite a challenge to have Microsoft Teams natively running on Apple devices.

Something Good Coming Your Way

People on a Video Call

But Mac users need not lose heart. Microsoft has been promising that the Microsoft Teams update will improve overall performance and decrease resource usage. As for Microsoft Teams running natively on Apple devices, there has been no news of when this will happen. Everything about it is still a work in progress.

Whenever these updates will come to fruition, Mac users will have something great to look forward to. For now, you can still enjoy using Microsoft Teams with the aid of the Rosetta 2 Technology. You can still meet face-to-face regardless of your location in the world.

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